I'm glad that the search results from Sociological Abstracts met your
needs. I think this is the best database you could use to generate
these types of results -- I am not aware of another source that
includes comprehensive coverage for the literature on Organizational
The first 25 results from the search I conducted are these:
Trust as an Organization Principle: Trust Promotion in the Field of
Tension of Personal and Systemic Trust
Schweer, Martin K W, Erwagen Wissen Ethik, 2003, 14, 2, 323-389
Differences in the Response of Women's Voluntary Organizations to
Shifts in Canadian Public Policy
Meinhard, Agnes G; Foster, Mary K, Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector
Quarterly, 2003, 32, 3, Sept, 366-396
The Relationship between Perceptions of Corporate Citizenship and
Organizational Commitment
Peterson, Dane K, Business & Society, 2004, 43, 3, Sept, 296-319
Understanding and Developing Leisure Volunteer Work within a
Technological and "Clientelist" World
Thibault, Andre; Fortier, Julie, Loisir et Societe/Society and
Leisure, 2003, 26, 2, fall, 315-344
Social License and Environmental Protection: Why Businesses Go beyond Compliance
Gunninghanm, Neil; Kagan, Robert A; Thornton, Dorothy, Law & Social
Inquiry, 2004, 29, 2, spring, 307-341
Racial and Ethnic Diversity and Organizational Behavior: A Focused
Research Agenda for Health Services Management
Dreachslin, Janice L; Weech-Maldonado, Robert; Dansky, Kathryn H,
Social Science & Medicine, 2004, 59, 5, Sept, 961-971
Explaining Corporate Environmental Performance: How Does Regulation Matter?
Kagan, Robert A; Gunningham, Neil; Thornton, Dorothy, Law and Society
Review, 2003, 37, 1, Mar, 51-89
Organizational Problems of Amateur Football Clubs: Toward a
Contingency Theory of Volunteer Organizations
Van Noort, W J, Sociologische Gids, 2003, 50, 1, 52-70
. Are Subsidiaries More Prone to Pollute? New Evidence from the EPA's
Toxics Release Inventory
Grant, Don; Jones, Andrew W, Social Science Quarterly, 2003, 84, 1, Mar, 162-173
. 'We Are the Borg.' Microsoft and the Struggle for Controlling the Internet
Franklin, M I, Amsterdams Sociologisch Tijdschrift, 2003, 30, 1-2, 223-253
Human Resources Practices as Predictors of Work-Family Outcomes and
Employee Turnover
Batt, Rosemary; Valcour, P Monique, Industrial Relations, 2003, 42, 2, Apr, 189-220
Covert Political Conflict in Organizations: Challenges from Below
Morrill, Calvin; Zald, Mayer N; Rao, Hayagreeva, Annual Review of
Sociology, 2003, 29, 391-415
Technological Progress-The Main Factor That Determines the Development
of the New Economy
Rupcic, Natasa, Drustvena Istrazivanja, 2003, 12, 1-2(63-64), Jan-Apr, 181-199
Contours of the Czech Environmental Movement: A Comparative Analysis
of Hnuti Duha (Rainbow Movement) and Jihoceske matky (South Bohemian
Fagan, Adam; Jehlicka, Petr, Environmental Politics, 2003, 12, 2, summer, 49-70
Mission versus Maintenance: Social Movement Organizations Multiple Forms
Fromson, Sandra Bender, Sociological Focus, 2003, 36, 3, Aug, 257-273
Where's the Religion? Distinguishing Faith-Based from Secular Social
Service Agencies
Ebaugh, Helen Rose; Pipes, Paula F; Chafetz, Janet Saltzman; Daniels,
Martha, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 2003, 42, 3,
Sept, 411-426
Unbounded Irrationality: Risk and Organizational Narcissism at Long
Term Capital Management
Stein, Mark, Human Relations, 2003, 56, 5, May, 523-540
Policy as a Collective Venture: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach to
the Study of Organizational Directives
Prus, Robert, International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy,
2003, 23, 6-7, 13-60
The Determinants of Team-Based Innovation in Organizations: The Role
of Social Influence
Caldwell, David F; O'Reilly, Charles A , III, Small Group Research,
2003, 34, 4, Aug, 497-517
Reconceptualizing Organizational Routines as a Source of Flexibility and Change
Feldman, Martha S; Pentland, Brian T, Administrative Science
Quarterly, 2003, 48, 1, Mar, 94-118
The Territorialization of Common Sense
Hensmans, Manuel, Organization, 2003, 10, 3, Aug, 561-564
Organizational Informality and Networks
Hernandez Santana, Alba H, Convergencia, 2003, 10, 32, May-Aug, 337-358
Two, Three, Many Enrons: American Financial Hypertrophy and the End of
Economic Hegemony
Marens, Richard, Organization, 2003, 10, 3, Aug, 588-593
Shifting Gears or Slamming the Brakes? A Review of Police Behavioural
Change in a Post-Apartheid Police Unit
Marks, Monique, Policing & Society, 2003, 13, 3, Sept, 235-258
A Case Study of Knowledge Management in Multi-Agency Consumer-Informed
'Communities of Practice': Implications for Evidence-Based Policy
Development in Health and Social Services
Gabbay, John; Le May, Andree; Jefferson, Harriet; Webb, Dale;
Lovelock, Robin; Powell, Jackie; Lathlean, Judith, Health:, 2003, 7,
3, July, 283-310
I trust this fully meets your needs. But please don't rate this
answer if you feel you require additional information. Just post a
Request for Clarification, and I'll be glad to assist you further.
All the best in your work,
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