Spider silk is 5 times stronger than steel, and it is fibre optical. I
know of its components, the synthetic construction of it through goats
milk, etc. What I am looking for is a manufacturer who can provide me
with a swatch sample of the woven silk itself. I am not looking to
purchase wholesale, but merely would like a test sample at cost. I am
a design student, and I am an excellent researcher and have spent
hours of time researching this "product" and have been unable to find
a source that is reliable. Several universities study spider silk and
its effects, as well as Cornell, and other research based schools
including The School of Chemistry in Europe. Any help regarding
tracking down a sample swatch asap would be great. Thankyou. |
Request for Question Clarification by
19 Apr 2005 05:02 PDT
You might want to try contacting this research team at the textiles
department in Ghent University:
E. Van Nimmen1, K. Gellynck1, D. De Bakker2, T. Gheysens2, J.
Mertens2, P. Kiekens1, L. Van Langenhove1
1Ghent University, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Department of
Textiles, Technologiepark 9, B-9052 Zwijnaarde, Belgium
2Ghent University, Faculty of Sciences, Laboratory of Ecology, K.L.
Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent, Belgium
ABSTRACT In January 2002, a 4-years project started at Ghent
University concerning research on spider silk for biomedical
applications. This project aims at the development of a textile fabric
from spider silk...
Other than that, I haven't seen very much to suggest that there are
many folks involved in the production of such fabric, yet.
Let me know how that works out, or if you need additional contact
information for the Belgium team.
Clarification of Question by
19 Apr 2005 20:20 PDT
Spider silk is 5 times stronger than steel, and it is fibre optical. I
know of its components, the synthetic construction of it through goats
milk, etc. What I am looking for is a manufacturer who can provide me
with a swatch sample of the woven silk itself. I am not looking to
purchase wholesale, but merely would like a test sample at cost. I am
a design student, and I am an excellent researcher and have spent
hours of time researching this "product" and have been unable to find
a source that is reliable. Several universities study spider silk and
its effects, as well as Cornell, and other research based schools
including The School of Chemistry in Europe. Any help regarding
tracking down a sample swatch asap would be great. Thankyou.
I have found that "biosteel" is the most recently manipulated idea of
spider silk, and I have looked into the companies that seem to be
creating it, with no luck in finding contact information regarding
their product. I assumed that perhaps someone had the spder silk
itself on hand, as I know that in Morocco, for example, people are
spinning the fibers, as well as dying them, and winding them onto
bamboo stocks for sale and for personal use. However I don't know any
of these contacts. Perhaps an individual, is doing this in a more
communicative way. Since spider silk has been manipulated and used for
over 1000 years, I believe it must be more available than we realize.
But perhaps not. Thankyou for any help and assistance!
Request for Question Clarification by
19 Apr 2005 20:26 PDT
Do I take it from your comment that you're not interested in
contacting the researchers in Belgium who are creating a textile from
spider silk?
Clarification of Question by
19 Apr 2005 20:39 PDT
I most definitely am interested in contacting them, of corse. I want
to relay also, that since I have heard of the spider silk being
produced in other areas, it seemed that perhaps there would be a way
of contacting a textile mill/ company that produces samples. I am very
interested in the researchers in Belgium. Any direct or at that
indirect contact information would be excellent. Thanks so much!