Hello matytzr
The UK Department of Health produces tables for operations performed
in NHS hospitals. These include private patients in NHS hospitals,
but not patients in private hospitals.
Data for 2000/2001 financial year shows 410,667 operations were
performed in the total area of eye surgery, of which 79% were day
With respect to glaucoma, since you have mentioned this specifically,
there were 5920 filtering operations on the iris (code C60), 900
other operations on the trabecular meshwork of the eye (code C61),
2955 incisions of iris (code C62), 361 other operations on iris
(code C64) and 299 excisions of iris (code C59).
The figures come from the Main Operations Summary table, which also
includes a breakdown of procedures performed on different parts of the
eye. A detailed list of figures for individual categories of
procedures is available in the Main Operations 3-digit tables, and
an even more-detailed analysis can be obtained from the 4-digit
Similar data are available for 1998/9 and 1999/2000.
The most-detailed figures for 2000/2001 are available in Table 21,
where page 30 of the pdf file gives details of procedures on the iris.
or you can download the corresponding Excel file.
All these tables are available free of charge in both pdf and xls
formats at http://www.doh.gov.uk/hes/standard_data/available_tables/main_operations/index.html
With respect to private health care, the statistics are not readily
available, as explained in this article:
http://www.healthmatters.org.uk/stories/radstat1.html Health Matters
issue 42 Autumn 2000
Figuring out private health care
It quotes the article: Williams B, et al. Private funding of elective
hospital treatment in England and Wales, 1997-98: a national survey.
BMJ 2000;320:901-2., which claimed that 14.5% of all elective
operations took place in the private sector. However, this would
include private patients in NHS hospitals.
Laing and Buisson provide market reports and statistics on the private
health sector in the UK, but these have to be purchased.
An article in The Times, August 04, 2002, Specdeals sold as duo opt
for laser surgery
quotes a Scottish optician as saying that in 2001, 15,000 LASIK (laser
surgery) procedures were performed in Britain.
Laser eye surgery is not available on the National Health, as stated
in Parliament and reported by Hansard on February 25, 2002
You mentioned the UK in your original question, so this is what I
focused on. However, you can also obtain health data on all OECD
countries on a CDROM which can be purchased from the OECD
The price is $295, euro 325 or £200. |