Escort services are legal in North Dakota as long as they're not
fronts for prostitution or other illegal activities.
Prostitution is illegal in North Dakota. Many escort services are
widely known to be using the term "escort services" as a front for
prostitution. If an escort service is truly just offering above-board
dates and tours of the state, then they're well within the law. If the
service is actually prostitution in disguies, then no, it's not legal.
Kenneth Ashman, an attorney, writes on, "[Escort services
are not legal] if they involve the payment of money for sex." You may
view this question and answer online. The link is
A full article that looks at the issue of the legalities of escort
services can be found online. The article is called "Escort Services
Legal Issues." You may view this at
With this said, in general, escort services in North Dakota are
perfectly legal. They need to stay within the guidelines of rules
businesses need to follow in the state. But as long as they do not
involve the exchange of money for sex, they shouldn't have legal
To conduct this research, I searched the following terms: "north
dakota" prostitution. You may view the results of this search online.
The link is ://
I also searched the following terms: illegal "escort service" "north dakota"
You may view the results of this search online. The link is
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