I run a photo community similar to snapfish, ofoto, etc., and I'm
interested in providing my members with the ability to print photos.
However, what I've decided is that I want to do this in-house. This is
a reason I've chosen--I understand I could pursue a partnership option
with a professional lab, but have chosen not to do this because I
already have the staffing and mailing facilities necessary to execute
such a venture. In any case, what I need is a list of viable printers
that cost around $2,500 (you can also recommend printers up to 4 grand
if you feel its suitable) that could print good quality 4 by 6 photos.
These photos should be comparable to the quality of other online
retailers. The printer should also be suitable for a commercial
environment; meaning that my primary concern, in addition to quality,
is being able to compete on price. So I'll need the printing method to
have a low variable cost. |