Im currently in the process of writing a business plan for a Health
Spa which will be opening up in Dubai, (Sheik Zahid Rd). Im finding
it very difficult to get key pieces of information. The sources iv
consulted are as follows:
UAE Central Bank
Ministry of Planning
Gulf News
Dubai Chamber of Commerce and Industry
International Monetary Fund
Dubai Municipality
Im specifically looking for the total number of professionals,
mangers, supervisors etc earning at least or above 150000 Dirham?s per
annum in Dubai for each year from 1997 ? 2005.
Just to help, iv identified two sources that may be able to help but I
can?t afford the access fee?s:
1. http://www.eiu.com/
2. http://www.worldinformation.com/woi/start.asp, (Business
Intelligence Reports: United Arab Emirates: Economy, Politics and
pp. 1-58(58)
The 2 sources require special membership and I don?t know whether
Google researchers have access. (Business Intelligence Reports:
United Arab Emirates: Economy, Politics and Government) only gives
information up to 2001. Information up to 2005 would obviously be
preferable. Atleast 7 years of sequential data is required up to at
least 2001.
Im looking for this information fairly urgently. Please feel free to
ask for any further details. I
Thanks :) |
Request for Question Clarification by
24 Apr 2005 12:46 PDT
In reviewing the income statistics from the government of Dubai's
recent publications, it seems that even they are forced to rely on
spotty and quite out-dated information...there does not even seem to
be reliable, up-to-date population information for Dubai, much less
income distribution trends.
It strikes me that the information you're looking for simply may not
exist. The closest I can find is this mention of the number of
high-rent payers in Dubai, based on extrapolations from older data:
Dubai leads in population and employment growth
The HSBC report concurs. "As of early 2004, the expatriate population
of Dubai was probably in the region of 1.05 million. Assuming a stable
average household size and income distribution, the number of
expatriate households paying rent of Dh36,000 per year or more has
probably increased to about 40,000.
Is that helpful at all? If there simply isn't the data out there
you're looking for, how do you suggest we proceed on this?
Request for Question Clarification by
24 Apr 2005 17:46 PDT
I still haven't seen any inklings of the type of stats you asked
about, but in the course of looking around, I have certainly come
across some interesting information that certainly suggest the
economic climate in Dubai is promising for a venture like the one you
are researching:
The prosperity of UAE citizens is based in great part on the country?s
vast oil and gas reserves, most of which lie in the largest emirate
and seat of the capital, Abu Dhabi. The UAE has nearly ten percent of
the world?s proven oil reserves and five percent of proven gas
reserves....According to official 2004 UAE statistics, the per capita
income is US$20,130 [NOTE from pafalafa-ga: about 74,000 Dirhams.]
With an $85 billion a year economy and excellent infrastructure, the
UAE is an ideal location for US companies to conduct business. The
presence of over 500 US firms here underlines this fact. To name just
a very few: Lockheed Martin, Boeing, General Electric, Raytheon,
Northrop Grumman, General Dynamics, FedEx, Ford, Johnson & Johnson,
MSD, ExxonMobil, CMS Energy, Microsoft, Motorola, and many more. US
companies see the UAE as an excellent place to establish a regional
presence because of the can-do, pro-business orientation of the
leadership, and the stability of the country.
...In 2004, the UAE Architectural, construction, engineering services
(ACE) industry experienced an overall increase of 10 percent over the
previous year. This growth was stimulated primarily by direct
investment in oil & gas, commercial and residential real estate and
infrastructure projects including power and water utilities.
...Dubai is currently expanding its hotel capacity. Over 120 new
hotels are expected to be constructed during the next five years.
These include 80 hotels on the two Palm Islands projects.
Additionally, Dubai Festival City is under construction as Dubai
develops it role as a tourist destination.
...With a per capita income of over US$20,000 the UAE presents a very
attractive market for the leisure/recreational industry. The large
resident expatriate population (80% of total population) has a
significant influence on the demand for sporting goods.
...There are a number of major projects within the leisure industry in
varied stages ? from mere announcements with tenders yet to be
announced to projects that are under development. The leisure
construction industry is phenomenal. There are tremendous
opportunities for the U.S. within this industry.
I can provide a link to the full report that these excerpts came from,
if you think this would meet your needs in lieu of the actual
statistics you asked about. If so, let me know, and I will post the
full information as an an answer to your question.
Clarification of Question by
25 Apr 2005 01:05 PDT
Hi pafalafa-ga
Thank you so much for the effort. I have tried looking for these
stats obsessively for the past 4 days and only found 2 sources that
MAY have the stats im looking for:
1. http://www.eiu.com/
2. http://www.worldinformation.com/woi/start.asp, (Business
Intelligence Reports: United Arab Emirates: Economy, Politics and
pp. 1-58(58)
However I can't afford access. If you have access to the Business
Intelligence Reports and the Economist Intelligence Unit (eiu)
database then I think we can proceed further. As you can appreciate,
I have extensive information on the business climate in Dubai and the
rest of the UAE. Iv even looked at academic journals to find whether
these stats exist in any case studies or research papers.
The specific information requested will help me define precisely how
big my target market is and whether it?s growing. I know that it
definitely is, however in order for me to present a viable business
plan my numbers have to be fully sourced. That's the trouble im
having. I could do guess-stamations based on the data iv already
collected but to be honest with you, I would never invest in a project
that was based on guess-stamations or outdated stats.
It?s amazing that the local funding agency for SME?s in Dubai is
asking for fully sourced stats to support the business plan, yet the
stats the local government holds on its population is at best
questionable. :)
If you have access to the above sources of info or similar that will
get me as the info that im looking for then we can proceed further.
Thanks pafalafa-ga
Request for Question Clarification by
25 Apr 2005 05:25 PDT
I do have access to the EIU reports (should have mentioned that
earlier) but there's noting much in them on income. In fact, a great
deal of the EIU data seems to stem from this one -- awfully
comprehensive -- source from the IMF:
United Arab Emirates: Statistical Appendix
but again, no solid income information. There ARE bits and pieces of
information in the IMF report that may well be of interest here. Some
of it -- like employment data, or income tax stats -- may even allow a
work-around of sorts. But nothing hits the nail on the ahead.
I don't have access to the worldinformation.com site, but I do have
access to the somewhat similar service, www.countrywatch.com. But
again, no income stats.
I'll let you know if I come up with anything else.
Clarification of Question by
25 Apr 2005 11:09 PDT
Hi paf
I have the 2 reports by the IMF on the UAE. I also have the UAE year
book report 2005. I also have all the data from It's so
frustrating, I have no idea what to do. :(
My deadline is 12am GMT tonight. After this point I will be handing
the plan over to another party. Iv spent too much time looking for
this information. This is actually the last piece of data I require.
I am going to start my guess-stamation processes based on the data I
already have. If you find what im looking for before 10pm this
evening GMT, I will be ever so grateful.
Thanks Paf
Request for Question Clarification by
25 Apr 2005 16:46 PDT
If the information exists, it is certainly well-hid, but to tell the
truth, I just don't think it's out there, anywhere.
Best of luck with your project. Hope we'll see you back here at
Google Answers one day soon.