Dear Swifty,
Here is a new list, with the new (congratulations...) LSAT.
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
Percent admitted: 13.5%
GPA: 3.47 - 3.84 (3.64 for the 50th percentile)
LSAT: 163 ? 168 (166 for the 50th percentile)
1/7th of the students admitted are over 30.
15th on US News ranking
[Your chances here are not very good, but this is the highest ranked
university that offers *some* chance].
Vanderbilt University
Median LSAT: 165
Median GPA: 3.63
Ranked 17th on US News
University of Minnesota
LSAT: 75% - 166; 50% - 163; 25% - 160
UGPA: 75% - 3.81; 50% - 3.66; 25% - 3.48
Ranked 19th on US News
George Washington University
442 of 567 candidates with your profile have been admitted in 2004
Ranked 20th on US News
University of Iowa
Median LSAT is 160
Median GPA - 3.59
Ranked 22nd on US News
Washington and Lee University
Median LSAT score - 166.
Median undergraduate GPA - 3.5
Ranked 22nd on US News
Notre Dame
LSAT: 25th Percentile 162/ 75h Percentile 167
GPA: 25th Percentile 3.26/ 75h Percentile 3.77
Ranked 24th on US News
Washington University (St. Louis)
LSAT exam - 165
Undergraduate GPA: 3.6
Ranked 24th on US News
Boston College
Median LSAT 166
Median GPA 3.68
Students admitted aged between 21-49
Ranked 27th on US News
Fordham University
LSAT: 163/167 (25th/75th)
GPA: 3.38/3.78 (25th/75th)
Ranked 27th on US News
University of Washington
Median LSAT: 163
Median GPA: 3.65
37 out of 46 applicants with your profile have been admitted (see:
Ranked 27th on US News
All of the universities up to this point have ranked better, or
equally to UNC Chapel Hill. The following have ranked lower, but might
still be of interest:
University of Arizona
LSAT (median) 162
GPA (median) 3.47
Age 30 or over 16%
Ranked 41st on the US News
I am adding Cardozo, (Yeshiva University, NY), because of its friendly
attitude towards older students:
Ranked 58th on US News
And another interesting reading :
Alice Beard ? One Hell
An unconventional journey into law ? Alice Beard went to law school,
being a ?non traditional? student. She began at the Catholic
University of America (82nd on US News), but switched later to George
Mason (38th on US News ranking). Her site includes many advices, as
well as letters featuring experiences of other non-traditional JDs/JD
I hope this answers your question. As usual, feel free to contact me
if you need any clarification on this answer. |