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Based on your clarification, it seems that a VPN (Virtual Private
Network) with Microsoft Active Directory will be right for you.
First, in order to address the personal storage issues, software like
Microsoft Active Directory will be of use to your organization. It
will enable to provide personal storage space for your staff.
Our first resource here provides a simple general overview of
Microsoft Active Directory. The page is for Microsoft 2000 but we will
have another link for the new Active Directory version.
?Active Directory Overview?
?Windows Server 2003 Active Directory?
VPNs meanwhile does not only answer the ability to share storage space
but will also enable your staff to access their files remotely and
tackle security issues and service expandability.
Our first few links addresses the nature of VPNs.
?Depending on the type of VPN (remote-access or site-to-site), you
will need to put in place certain components to build your VPN. These
might include:?
- ?Desktop software client for each remote user?
- ?Dedicated hardware such as a VPN concentrator or secure PIX firewall?
- ?Dedicated VPN server for dial-up services?
-?NAS (network access server) used by service provider for remote-user VPN access?
- ?VPN network and policy-management center?
The link to the How Stuff Works website also provides sample hardware
from CISCO that is used in VPN setups.
?How Virtual Private Networks Work?
?How VPN Works?
The next link provides a general overview of the components of setting-up a VPN.
?You can set up a VPN by purchasing a VPN software package from a
software vendor that specializes in Internet security. A bonus is that
VPN software packages often include firewall software for added
?You'll also need to purchase a server ($3000-5000) to run your VPN
software, and possibly some networking cards ($70-100). Software
prices vary a great deal depending on your service level needs, but
you can expect an average of $500 for your server software, and around
$70 for each client (i.e., desktop PC or notebook computer) you add to
your network.?
?Virtual Private Networks?
This article from PC MAGAZINE provides a review of different VPN
appliances for small offices or organizations.
?VPN Appliances Come to the Small Office?
Our next link provides a case study of using VPN in a university
setting. The case here is a little bit more complicated for your needs
but by reading this article, you can have an idea on how it might be
implemented for your organization.
?Cross Campus Virtual Private Network (VPN) Tunneling Case Study The
University of Liverpool?
Finally, Virtual Private Networks can be complicated and you might
want to get consultants to get your projects on the right foot. Here
is a sample of some of them.
Cisco VPN
Prometheum Technologies
Forte Systems
Ect Telecom
Search terms used:
VPN how works consulting consultant basics overview software hardware
I hope these links would help you in your research. Before rating this
answer, please ask for a clarification if you have a question or if
you would need further information.
Thanks for visiting us.
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