Hello loringjustice,
Assuming that "from October 11, 2004" means after October 11, 2004,
and that you don't move to a different time zone, the answer is either
May 24, 2006 or May 25, 2006. It depends on what time of day on
October 11, 2004 you are counting from.
One way to calculate the answer is to convert the Gregorian calendar
into the Julian calendar and back again, as explained here:
"Julian Date Converter"
U.S. Naval Observatory: Astronomical Applications Department
This method allows you to change the dates into decimal numbers, from
which you can then add or subtract the decimal number 590.97, and
convert the resulting number back to a date.
00:00:00 (12:00:00 AM) on October 11, 2004 is Julian date 2453289.5.
590.57 days from that time is Julian date 2453880.07, which is May 24,
2006 at 13:40:48 (1:30:48 PM).
23:59:59 (11:59:59 PM) on October 11, 2004 is Julian date
2453290.49999. 590.57 days from that time is Julian date
2453881.06999, which is May 25, 2006 at 13:40:47 (1:30:47 PM).
The Julian date calculator also allows you to determine at what times
on October 11, 2004 it would be 590.57 days to May 24, 2006, and at
what times it would be 590.57 days to May 25, 2006:
00:00:00 (12:00:00 AM) on May 25, 2006 is Julian date 2453880.5.
590.57 days earlier is Julian date 2453289.93, which is October 11,
2004 at 10:19:12 (10:19:12 AM). Thus, on October 11, 2004 before
10:19:12 AM, 590.57 days later would be May 24, 2006 (in other words,
prior to 12:00:00 AM on May 25, 2006). On October 11, 2004 from
10:19:12 AM forward, 590.57 days later would be May 25, 2006.
I hope that this information is helpful. Please let me know if you
need any clarification to this answer.
- justaskscott
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