Hello dtnl42,
4 million babies die in their first month of life
3 million infants worldwide die during the first week of life
10.6 million children die each year before the age of five
?An estimated 130 million babies are born worldwide each year, about
91 million in developing countries. About 4 million babies die in
their first month of life, and of those, three-quarters die in their
first week. The leading causes of neonatal death include severe
infection, birth asphyxia, complications of prematurity, and tetanus?.
?Roughly 10.6 million children die each year before the age of five.
According to the World Health Organization (WHO), nearly 70 percent of
these deaths are caused by preventable and treatable conditions:
malnutrition, acute respiratory infections (principally pneumonia),
diarrhea, measles, and malaria.?
Population Resource Center
According to the Population Resource Center Each year, 3.2 million
infants worldwide die during the first week of life.
Facts and figures from The World Health Report 2005
?There are currently 136 million births per year, including 3.3
million stillbirths. Worldwide, the number of live births will peak at
137 million per year towards 2015.?
?Each year nearly 3.3 million babies are stillborn, and more than 4
million others die within 28 days of being born.?
?Newborn deaths now contribute to about 40% of all deaths in children
under five years of age globally, and more than half of infant
?The largest numbers of babies die in the South-East Asia Region: 1.4
million newborn deaths and a further 1.3 million stillbirths each
?Children are the future of society and their mothers are guardians of
that future. Yet this year, almost 11 million children under five
years of age will die from causes that are largely preventable. Among
them are 4 million babies who will not survive the first month of
life. On top of that 3.3 million babies will be stillborn. At the same
time, about half a million women will die in pregnancy, childbirth or
soon after.?
World Health Organization: The World Health Report 2005
Perinatal and Neonatal Mortality Worldwide
140 million live births in the world
6 million are infant deaths
1.3 million are early neonatal deaths.
Baylor College of Medicine
Bar Chart
Out of 130 million babies born each year worldwide, 4 million survive
for less than four weeks.
?More than 10,000 newborn children die every day worldwide. The
neonatal period only lasts 28 days, but it accounts for 38% of deaths
of children under 5. According to a recent report published by The
Lancet , the infant mortality rate fell by only a quarter between 1980
and 2000, although the mortality rate of children aged 2 to 5 dropped
by a third over the same period.?
?99 % of neonatal infant deaths occur in developing countries and half
in just four parts of the world: India (27%), China (10%), Pakistan
(7%) and Nigeria (6%).
But although the greatest number of infant deaths is observed in Asia,
because of its higher population, 14 of the 18 countries with the
highest neonatal infant death rate (4 in 1000 births) are in
sub-Saharan Africa.?
Here is a map of neonatal mortality worldwide
Source: Science Actualités (CSI) 2005,
d'après Neonatal Survival Series, in The Lancet, Vol 365, n° 9466.
According to the World Health Organization approximately 10.5 million
children under 5 years of age die every year in the world. In 1970,
the figure was more than 17 million.
?Today nearly all child deaths occur in developing countries, almost
half of them in Africa. While some African countries have made
considerable strides in reducing child mortality, the majority of
African children live in countries where the survival gains of the
past have been wiped out, largely as a result of the HIV/AIDS
World Health Organization
Bar Chart: Regional child mortality levels
Infant mortality rate:
Total: 50.11 deaths/1,000 live births
Male: 52.1 deaths/1,000 live births
Female: 48.01 deaths/1,000 live births (2005 est.)
Infant mortality rates by country
This entry gives the number of deaths of infants under one year old in
a given year per 1,000 live births in the same year; included is the
total death rate, and deaths by sex, male and female. This rate is
often used as an indicator of the level of health in a country.
Eight Children were killed in 9/11
David Brandhorst
Christine Hanson
Juliana Valentine McCourt
Bernard Brown
Asia Cottom
Rodney Dickens
Zoe Falkenberg
Dana Falkenberg
Sources of information:
Casualties of the September 11, 2001 Attacks: Plane passengers
Free Republic
David Brandhorst
David Brandhorst, 3, was traveling with parents Daniel Brandhorst, 42,
and partner Ronald Gamboa, 33 on Flight 175. They were returning from
a vacation in Boston and Cape Cod.
Adopted as an infant, David was named after Daniel's brother.
?David Reed Gamboa Brandhorst was the adopted son of Daniel Brandhorst
and Ronald Gamboa. He died at age 3 in the September 11, 2001 attack
on board United Airlines flight 175. Daniel Brandhorst was accompanied
by his parents. The family was returning from their annual vacation in
Provincetown on Cape Cod and Boston.?
The following is excerpted from LATimes.com and Newsday.com, September
13, 2001, "AMERICA UNDER ATTACK: Profiles of the Victims - September
11, 2001"
?Daniel Brandhorst, 42, lived in a home perched on the lip of a canyon
in the Hollywood Hills with his partner Ronald Gamboa and their
adopted 3-year-old son. They were returning from a vacation in Boston
and Cape Cod. The couple had been together for 14 years. Brandhorst
was the serious one, the lawyer and accountant, the man who dreamed of
becoming a professor. Gamboa, 33, was the happy-go-lucky one, the
beloved manager of a Gap store in Santa Monica, the family man with a
glint of mischievousness in his eye and an ever-ready arsenal of
jokes. If Gamboa's sister or friend said "Isn't that cute" about a
puppy or "Isn't that beautiful" about a sunset, Gamboa would retort:
"What am I?"
Both had moved from small towns--Brandhorst from Liverpool, N.Y.,
Gamboa from Anchorage, Ky.-- to New York City, where they met. They
moved to Los Angeles a few years later when Brandhorst was transferred
to another office of his company, Pricewaterhouse-Coopers. They loved
to travel around the world, hang out with a close group of friends and
visit family. They lavished attention on the blue-eyed 3-year-old they
adopted as an infant and named after Daniel's brother David. Relatives
said that the two men had been looking for another child to adopt.?
Christine Hanson
Christine Hanson, 3, Groton, Mass was traveling with her parents Peter
Hanson and Sue Jue Kim-Hanson on Flight 175
?The Hanson family was on their way to a California vacation aboard
United Airlines Flight 175.?
?Peter Hanson, 32, was a software company vice president with the
presence of mind to phone his parents from the doomed aircraft.
Sue Kim Hanson, 35, was a medical student working on a doctoral thesis
that promised to reveal the workings of a chemical believed to
regulate immune responses.
Christine Hanson, 3, was on her first trip to Disneyland. Friends of
the family said she was as spirited as her parents.?
Juliana Valentine McCourt
Juliana Valentine McCourt, age 4, New London, Conn was on flight 175.
?Paige Farley-Hackel, Juliana's godmother and Ruth McCourt, Juliana's
mom were going to fly from Boston together on United Airlines Flight
175, but when Paige Farley-Hackel realized she could use frequent
flyer miles, she got a ticket for American Airlines Flight 11 instead.
The McCourt's said goodbye in the early morning hours at Logan
International Airport in Boston on September 11th and boarded their
The two women planned on meeting in Los Angeles to take Juliana to
Disneyland. Farley-Hackel's plane was hijacked and struck the North
Tower of the World Trade Center. The McCourt's flight, hijacked as
well, crashed into the South Tower shortly thereafter.?
Juliana Valentine McCourt Children's Education Fund
Bernard Brown
Bernard Brown, 11, student, Leckie Elementary School in Washington was
traveling on American Airlines Flight 77.
?Student at Leckie Elementary School in Washington. He was embarking
on an educational trip to the Channel Islands National Marine
Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, California, as part of a program funded
by the National Geographic Society.?
?Bernard Brown, age 11, student at Leckie Elementary School in
Washington, DC. Bernard was a passenger on American Airlines Flight 77
from Dulles International Airport to Los Angeles that was crashed into
the Pentagon. He was traveling to a four-day National Geographic
Society field workshop in the Channel Island National Marine Sanctuary
off Santa Barbara, California with teacher Hilda Taylor.?
11 September 2001 Geographical Community Fatalities
?Bernard Brown, 11, was clever and quick witted, the kind of boy who
kept his teachers on their toes. Estella Cleveland, who taught his
fifth-grade class at Leckie Elementary School in Washington, D.C.,
loved him. "He used to give the fourth-grade teacher fits. But he
turned it around last year. Everybody noticed it," she said.
That's why Cleveland gave Bernard's name to her best friend at Leckie,
sixth-grade teacher Hilda Taylor, when Taylor asked whom she should
take on a National Geographic trip to California. Taylor drove to
Bolling Air Force Base, where Bernard lived with his parents, Bernard
and Sinita Brown, in naval housing. Mrs. Brown drove the two travelers
to Dulles International Airport. They died when their plane was
crashed into the Pentagon.?
Asia Cottom
Asia Cottom, 11, student, Backus Middle School in Washington was
traveling on American Airlines Flight 77.
?Student at Backus Middle School in Washington. Asia was embarking on
an educational trip to the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary
near Santa Barbara, California, as part of a program funded by the
National Geographic Society.?
?Sarah Clark, age 62, teacher at Backus Middle School in Washington,
DC, American Airlines 77 passenger en route to the National Geographic
Society workshop with student Asia Cottom.?
11 September 2001 Geographical Community Fatalities
?Asia Cottom, 11, had just started sixth grade at a new school, eager
to learn and pleased to be at the campus where her father worked. The
North Michigan Park girl was selected to take a trip to California
with a teacher to participate in a National Geographic Society ecology
The girl and teacher Sarah Clark were on American Airlines Flight 77
at the start of their four-day trip.?
?Asia was a kindhearted girl who was helpful to other students who had
difficulty learning and was herself persistent, continually trying
until she grasped a lesson.
Neighbors said they saw her and her younger brother playing outside
and walking to a bus stop to go to school, and they recalled that she
would greet them with a smile and a hello. She also watched over a
young cousin, reminding him to not eat too much popcorn.?
Washington Post
Rodney Dickens
Rodney Dickens, 11, student, Leckie Elementary School in Washington
was traveling on American Airlines Flight 77.
?Rodney Dickens, 11, was a student at Leckie Elementary School in
Washington. He was embarking on an educational trip to the Channel
Islands National Marine Sanctuary near Santa Barbara, California, as
part of a program funded by the National Geographic Society.?
?James Debeuneure, age 58, teacher at Ketcham Elementary School in
Washington, DC., going to the National Geographic Society workshop
with student Rodney Dickens.
11 September 2001 Geographical Community Fatalities
?Rodney Dickens, age 11 of Washington, D.C., died tragically on
September 11, 2001 as a passenger on American Airlines Flight 77 that
crashed into the Pentagon. He was a student at Ketcham Elementary
School in Washington, D.C., traveling with other students and teachers
for a National Geographic expedition to California. The three-day
field trip was to include kayaking, hiking and studying marine
From the Louisiana Weekly:
"He was a real pleasant child, real loving, he was easygoing, very
responsible and mature for his age, he wasn't a problem child, got
good grades in school, loved his video games and loved watching
professional wrestling on television -never missed it for anything,"
she told NNPA in her first interview since she began grieving her
child's death at the hands of terrorists Sept. 11.
LaShawn Dickens - a single mother with four other children, ages 12,
10, 6 and 4 - was initially apprehensive about the trip. It was his
first flight and his first long-distance trip away from home. But, she
said, she always encouraged Rodney to excel above the social
roadblocks in the tough Southeast neighborhood where they lived.?
"He had humor, yet he was quiet and very serious about his work,"
Ketchum Elementary Principal Romaine Thomas said. "He was well-focused
in terms of his achievements and ready to excel."
Louisiana Weekly
Zoe Falkenberg
Zoe Falkenberg, 8, University Park, Md.was traveling on American
Airlines Flight 77.
?Zoe Falkenberg, 8, of University Park, Maryland, was the daughter of
Charles Falkenberg and Leslie Whittingham.?
?For Leslie A. Whittington, Charles Falkenberg and their two young
daughters, the flight to Los Angeles was to have been only the start
of their journey. They were headed to Australia, where Whittington, a
Georgetown University economist, was to work as a visiting professor
for several months at Australian National University.
The family, friends said, had been planning for this adventure for
months. The pair had been married 17 years. Their daughters, Zoe and
Dana, were 8 and 3.?
Chicago Tribune
Dana Falkenberg
Dana Falkenberg, 3, University Park, Md was traveling on American
Airlines Flight 77.
?Dana Falkenberg, 3, of University Park, Maryland, was the daughter of
Charles Falkenberg and Leslie Whittingham.?
?Charles S. Falkenberg, 45, of University Park, Maryland, was the
director of research at ECOlogic Corp., a software engineering firm.
He worked on data systems for NASA and also developed data systems for
the study of global and regional environmental issues. Falkenburg was
traveling with his wife, Leslie Whittingham, and their two daughters,
Zoe, 8, and Dana, 3.?
?Dana Falkenberg, 3, of University Park, MD, died Sept. 11, 2001, a
victim of the coordinated terrorists attacks against the United States
in New York, Washington, DC, and elsewhere. Dana was travelling with
her parents, Charles Falkenberg and Leslie Whittington and her sister,
Zoe.? http://www.arrangeonline.com/Obituary/obituary.asp?ObituaryID=64255466
Search criteria:
Infant OR neonatal mortality worldwide
Worldwide child mortality rates die at birth
9/11 casualties
Children killed September 11, 2001
I hope the information provided is helpful.
Best regards,
Bobbie7 |