Request for Question Clarification by
03 May 2005 20:41 PDT
Have you tried dragging a few pictures at a time to see if that works?
I've noticed that some CD burning programs add a small applet of their
own, and when Windows encounters this file, it stops copying. Try
selecting ONLY .jpeg files and dragging a few at a time. (If your
files are very large, as mine are, you may get a buffer underun.)
If you can drag a few succesfully, it is probably the applet that is
stopping the transfer.
Another reason could be that you have more than one file with the same
name. For example, if you have a picture labeled 101.jpeg from one
date, in a folder, and try to copy another picture from another
folder, also named 101.jpeg, and place both into the same destination
folder, there can be a conflict.
Let us know if dragging a few works well for you.
Regards, Crabcakes