When I stumbled across this question, I listened to the song and knew
I could easily transcribe the main melody of the song for you.
However, I've never programmed a ringtone before (or written out the
notation before) and I don't know what type of phone you're using,
which is important since the notation varies by phone brand. I looked
up notations, and found a fairly commonly used one for Nokia phones,
which appears to be as follows:
[duration] [optional sharp sign (#), no flats allowed] [note] [octave (1-3)]
e.g. 4#d2 = D# (D sharp) in the 2nd octave, held for a quarter note
[duration] [minus sign (-)]
e.g. 16- = a sixteenth-note rest
As I said, I've never programmed a ringtone before, and I may have the
notation wrong, but here goes my attempt anyway based on my
assumptions and my choice of notation as described above:
Beats per minute: 130
(timpani intro)
8F2 16F2 16F2 16F2 16F2
8#a2 8- 8#a2 8- 8c3 8- 8c3 8- 8#c3 16- 16#c3 8- 8d#3 8-
16c3 16- 16#c3 16- 16#d3 16- 8f3 8- 2f3 4- 16#g3 8#g3 16#g3 8#g3 2#g3 8-
(funky bass solo - basically copying the "Mission Impossible" theme)
8#a1 8#a1 8- 8#a1 16- 16#a1 8#a1 8f1 8#g1
8#a1 8#a1 8- 8#a1 16- 16#a1 8#a1 8#c2 8#d2
8#a1 8#a1 8- 8#a1 16- 16#a1 8#a1 8f1 8#g1
(brass again)
4#c3 8- 4#d3 16c3 16- 16#c3 16- 16#d3 16- 1f3
(ascending line and ending)
4f1 4#a1 4#d2 4#g2 4#c3 4#f3 8b3 8- 16b3 16b3 16b3 16b3 16#a3
If your phone notation is different, hopefully you can figure out how
to convert the above to what you need. If anything doesn't sound
right, let me know... I may have messed up since I had no way of
testing this out. Hope it works out for you! |