The challenge here is to find raw data for statistical analysis of
cancer morbidity from the 70's to now. If an answer is findable, let
me know THAT YOU KNOW WHERE IT IS and what I should bid for it. This
is a bit like saying, "I'll pay you to quote me a cost."
In a 1997 article in the New England Journal of Medicine (vol
336:1569-1574) (see link below) cancer morbitity rates where shown to
drop in the population 0-55 from 1970 to 1994. At the same time,
deaths were on the rise in th population ages 55 and up. Why would
this be? Two things seemed to occur. The population count changed in
the age range 0-55 and at the same time, treatments held off fatality,
moving the fatality into the upper age bracket.
So, what I am looking for is raw data so that I can perform my own
analysis. It needs to be readable on a PC and must be free or nearly
free (perhaps a subcription may be required). The year-by-year data
(1970-ish to current-ish) must show the number of people that died, by
age of death, by number of years of illness.
Example 1) - Data for each death (Year of diagnosis might instead by
number of years of illness)
RECORD YearOffDeath AgeAtDeath YearofDiagnosis
1 2004 73 1983
2 2004 73 1966
3 2004 73 1965
4 2004 72 1999
5 2004 72 1999
6 2004 72 1998
Example 2) - Summary data by year by number of years of illiness
Record Count YearOffDeath AgeAtDeath YearOfDiagnosis
1 1 2004 73 1983
2 1 2004 73 1966
3 1 2004 73 1965
4 2 2004 72 1999
5 1 2004 72 1998
If the individual year is not available, or individual age is not
available, small groupings are OK
Example 3) - Summary data in ranges by year and number of years of illness
Record Count YearOfDeath AgeRange YearsOfDiagnosis
1 2 2004 70-75 1960-1969
1 0 2004 70-75 1970-1979
1 1 2004 70-75 1980-1989
1 2 2004 70-75 1990-1999
Of course, these are only examples to get you to see that detail data
is necessary to perform an analsys. The data is not expected to be in
this format. Data should never violate any individual's privacy.
There are many government and institute sites that provide their own
high-level summary, but I have not found any that provide raw data for
statsistical analysis, including the census bureau. Perhaps you are
smarter or more well equipped to wade through the "fluff" and find the
raw data that I seek. Thanks!
NEJM article showing absurdy broad age range:
The last page of the following PDF has a similar high-level summary.
I am looking for detail records to produce my own summary. |