Hello nevet7,
The complete recipe -- which starts exactly the same as the Mike
Milken recipe described last year in Fortune -- is found on Yahoo!
"Recipes: Blueberry Banana Shake," by Miavita
Yahoo! Health
"Mike Milken's Antioxidant Shake Recipes: Blueberry Banana Shake"
See also the following:
"A self-proclaimed former junk-food addict, Milken is now obsessed
with nutrition. He starts each morning with a shake--a mix of
antioxidants including brewed green tea, lemon zest, vitamin E, and a
micronutrient called genistein that is found in some soybeans--and
insists that everyone should try it. (It tastes like fruity foam.)"
"The Man Who Changed Medicine" (Original Source: Fortune, Original
Date of Publication: 11.29.2004, Author: Cora Daniels, Doris Burke;
Patricia Neering)
National Prostate Cancer Coalition
- justaskscott
Searched on Google and Ixquick for:
milken anti-oxidant shake
"1/2 cup (4 fl oz/120 ml) unsweetened apple juice or orange juice" |