Dear Herbert M,
Most Moran knives available online cost sonmething between $60-$90,
depending on the type of knife (this doesn't include shipping and
handling, and would probably cost a tad more in a store). However, I
also found more affordable ones:
Permium Knives sells "Spyderco FB02 Bill Moran Drop Point Blade" for
$48.93, in a special sale.
Spyderco FB02 Bill Moran Drop Point Blade
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
clarification on this answer before you rate it. I've found the answer
by searching for the term "Moran Knives" in Froogle and then, sorting
the results by price:
Froogle search for "Moran Knives", in the knives category, and sorted
by price (low to high)
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