Clarification of Question by
08 May 2005 13:44 PDT
Here are the contents that need proof read:
As June approaches we look forward to the completion of another
educational and successful year at Pennbrook. I would like to thank
you for your continued support during the school year. I hope that you
have the opportunity to enjoy the summer vacation, while the school
renovations continue over the summer. For the parents of 9th grade
students, I know that the transition to 10th grade will go well as
your child moves on to the high school. I wish everyone a fun filled
and relaxing summer.
There are a limited number of yearbooks remaining. The cost of the
yearbook is $45. Order forms will be available in Mr. Smith?s room
(405) on Monday, May 23rd. Cash is preferable, but checks made payable
to Pennbrook Middle School will be accepted.
The Spring Concerts are here! Come to enjoy the refined musical talent
of our choir, orchestra, and band. The students and Mr. New, Mrs.
Young, and Mr. Old have been rehearsing diligently in preparation for
the evening's program. Please show you support by attending.
For planning purposes, the schedule for the Final Exam days is listed
below. Remember that each day will be an early dismissal at 11:50. If
your child needs to take an exam early please have them contact the
office ASAP so arrangements can be made.
Parents are reminded to call the school at 215-555-1212 or e-mail a
note to if your student is absent for any reason. We
would prefer not to inconvenience you during your work day trying to
call and verify your child's absence.