I'm pleased to have been able to help you identify your series as the
third "Tom Swift" series. I'm reposting the link from my previous
comment, with a bit of extra material that I hope you'll find useful.
The Unofficial Tom Swift Home Page
"The third Tom Swift series was issued by Wanderer between 1981 and
1984. This series, set in outerspace, consists of 11 books and one
phantom title that was never published. Volumes one through nine were
also published in hardcover with dust jackets."
Series Books: Tom Swift III
"In 1981, the third series of Tom Swift books appeared with the
release of 'Tom Swift: The City in the Stars'. This series seems to
loosely follow in the first two series footsteps and the new Tom
Swift, while never directly stated as such, could be the original's
grandson, great-grandson, or possibly his great-great-grandson. The
new Swift seems prepared to spend most of his time off Earth in
spaceships, space stations and on other planets and such. This series
lasted only three short years and, sadly, ended in 1984."
"Tom Swift III by Victor Appleton
Published by Wanderer Books (A division of Simon & Schuster)
1. The City in the Stars (1981)
2. Terror on the Moons of Jupiter (1981)>
3. The Alien Probe (1981)
4. The War in Outer Space (1981)
5. The Astral Fortress (1981)
6. The Rescue Mission (1981)
7. Ark Two (1982)
8. Crater of Mystery (1983)
9. Gateway to Doom (1983)
10. The Invisible Force (1983)
11. Planet of Nightmares (1984)
12. Chaos on Earth (1984) (Never Released)
13. The Microworld (1984) (Never Released)"
Tom Swift III - Series 3 Book List
Here's a search link that will help you to find online merchants who
are offering copies of the books (this may be slow in loading, but
it's worth the wait):
Addall Rare, Used, and Out of Print Book Search
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: "robot aristotle"
Google Web Search: "tom swift" "third series"
I hope this is helpful! If anything is unclear or incomplete, or if a
link doesn't work for you, please request clarification; I'll gladly
offer further assistance before you rate my answer.
Best regards,
pinkfreu |