Pierre Trudeau introduced a package of reforms, including the
decriminalization of homosexual acts, in 1967. The Criminal Code was
changed in 1969.
"Homosexuality: Canada. It was 1967 when Justice Minister Pierre
Elliott Trudeau famously declared: 'The state had no business in the
bedrooms of the nation.' Whereupon he introduced a package of reforms
(divorce, abortion, birth control) that included decriminalization of
homosexual relations, all of which were eventually passed with little
fanfare. One cannot say that Trudeau?s determination matched Canadian
public opinion based on the results of a September 1968 Gallup Poll,
which asked: 'Do you think that homosexual behaviour, if it is
conducted in private between men aged 21 and over, should or should
not be a criminal act?' Forty-one percent said it should; 42% said it
should not. Like their English brethren, a bare plurality of Canadians
anticipated what the government would do a year later."
Political Studies Association: Collective Responsibility and Policy
"1967 (Canada) - Justice Minister Pierre Trudeau says '...there's no
place for the state in the bedrooms of the nation...' and proposes
amendments amendments to the Criminal Code that would, among other
things, relax the laws against homosexuality...
1969 (Canada) - Trudeau's amendments pass into the Criminal Code and
homosexuality is de-criminalized in Canada."
Queer Marriage: Timeline
"Homosexuality was decriminalized in Canada in 1969 thanks in part to
then-Justice Minister and Attorney General of Canada, Pierre Trudeau
(who later became the 16th Prime Minister of Canada)."
LearnThis Encyclopedia: Gay Rights
"November 27, 2003...
A leading member of Canada?s official opposition was fired as his
party?s critic for family affairs Thursday after calling for the
abolition of gay rights... [Larry] Spencer, a former Baptist minister
who was born in the US, is the Member of Parliament for
Regina-Lumsden-Lake Center, in Saskatchewan.
He told the paper in its Thursday edition that homosexuality should be
put back in the criminal code and gays should be imprisoned... Spencer
said he doubted Parliament has enough courage to reimpose the sodomy
laws, repealed in 1969."
Sodomy Laws: Jail Homosexuals Canadian Politician Says
My Google search strategy:
Google Web Search: canada law OR laws repealed homosexuality 1960..1980
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