If Sandy is indeed the name of the person you're seeking (rather than
a nickname), then there's a possibility, at least, of locating the
right 'Sandy'.
The situtation is helped greatly by the fact that Sandy is not an
especially common name, so that searching by first name is more
plausible than looking for, e.g., 'John' in Boston.
I will steer you to several sources that allow searching by first
name. Each search provides somewhat different results, and allows you
different sorts of search options, so you should probably try them
all. I've included several commercial search services as well,
including one that I highly recommend.
I'm certain you're aware by now that there is certainly no implied
promise of being able to locate this person. However the tools below
are your best bet for getting started with the search.
I trust this information will fully answer your question. However,
please don't rate this answer until you have everything you need. If
you would like any additional information, just post a Request for
Clarification to let me know how I can assist you further, and I'm at
your service.
Best of luck,
First stop is Intellius' people-search page:
Entering [ sandy ] in the First Name box, [ boston ] in the City box,
and selecting Massachusetts for the state, and 1960's for the Decade
Born will pull up a list of 65 Sandy's in the Boston area. The list
includes approximate ages, so that's a big help right there in picking
out plausible records for additional research.
You may want to play around a bit with the Intellius search page, as
different searches turn up different -- and sometimes unexpected --
results. For instance, the list for the above-mentioned search
includes other names besides Sandy -- I'm not sure why. A search for
all Sandy's in Massacusetts (without listing a specific city) turned
up a few hundred Sandy's in the state, but no ages were given.
Note that you can purchase the records of the search results from
Intellius, as well as purchasing a more in-depth background report for
any name of your choosing...just click on any individual name to see
the options available, as well as sample reports for each option.
Next stop is the online phone book known as Superpages:
Obviously, [ Sandy ] goes in the First Name box.
The trick at Superpages is to enter an asterisk [ * ] in the box
labelled "Last Name: (required)".
You may also want to check off "Include nearby areas" to get the towns
around Boston.
I also strongly recommend checking off the box that says "Exact
matches only" -- without this checked, your results will be
overwhelmed with people listed by the first initial "S".
With the exact matches checked off, your search should provide a list
of about 140 Sandy's in the area.
I'll mention another option, just to be thorough, although I can't
personally recommend this service, since I haven't made use of it
myself. has a variety of person-searching services
available for sale:
Note the text on the right-hand side of the page (near the binoculars) that says:
"Find People by First Name or Maiden Name"
Click that, if you're interested in purchasing their people-search
service, but before you do....
I've saved quite possibly the best for last. A colleague of mine has
an online search service, Fiind, that is very thorough and very
reasonably priced:
We offer:
Individual people tracing, done by hand, utilizing various databases
and search engines - many are not available to the general public.
Every query is different, so we use intuition, experience and
intelligence to spot clues and provide accurate results.
I've seen this fellow perform near-miracles, and for $20, I think it's
well worth a shot.
These resources will certainly get you started, and perhaps even give
you cause for hope. Best of luck, and like I said, if there's
anything else you need, just holler.
search strategy -- Used bookmarked sites for people searching. |
Clarification of Answer by
14 May 2005 17:44 PDT
If you repeat the SuperPages search, but uncheck the box for "Include
nearby areas", you should get a list of 14 Sandy's that are listed in
Boston proper. This seems a reasonable number to work with.
I agree that it would certainly be onerous to contact dozens of
Sandy's in the Boston area. However, with the very limited
information you have available about who you are looking for, a
certain amount of culling of lists is unavoidable. If you're not able
to do that yourself -- by writing letters or making phone calls -- you
may want to consider hiring the task out to someone who can.
Sorry to hear about not working out for you, but as has been
said before, this is an awfully tough search.
Lastly, the suggestion to post a classified ad is a good one. You can
also do something of the sort online at sites such as:
Locate your ClassMates, CoWorkers, Friends, Relatives
for FREE in the places where you knew them.
I haven't used this service before, so I can't vouch for it, but it
seems worth checking out.
Best of luck...