Hello joeycorfield~
As it happens, the fastest growing bamboo is also the fastest growing
*plant* in the world: Bambusa oldhamii, a native of China and part of
the Gramineae family. It can grow as much as four feet in a single
day. ("Gardening How-To," p. 13, March/April 2005, National Home
Gardening Club)
The bamboo is also known by several common names, including Giant
Timber or Oldham's (and, in China, Ryoku-chiku). It grows to about 55
feet high. (You can see pictures here, at Bamboo Headquarters:
http://www.bambooheadquarters.com/photoweb/baoh.htm )
In the U.S., the plant is recommended for zones 8b-12. Information
varies about how much cold it will tolerate, but it is generally
listed as hardy to 15 degrees F. However, it prefers temperatures no
lower than 21 degrees F.
"The plant prefers light (sandy), medium (loamy) and heavy (clay)
soils. The plant prefers acid, neutral and basic (alkaline) soils. It
can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. It requires moist
soil." (Plants for a Future:
Kind regards,
Bambusa oldhamii |