Dear Kmelliot,
I could only give you official information, and even there - given the
pricing of your question - not more than general one. The Department
of Homeland Security mentions several responses to biological attacks:
Project BioShield
DHS - Response and Information on health Hazards
In addition, one could only assume that the country employs many
intelligence techniques in order to prevent biological attacks, as
well as dimplomatic or military ones, in cases of countries possessing
such weapons.
Further Information:
Joe Fiorill, "U.S. Works to ?Immunize? Buildings Against WMD Attack",
Global Security Newswire, 2004
Linda D. Kozaryn, "Defending Against Invisible Killers -- Biological
Agents", American Forces Press Service
Matt Kelley, "Officer says U.S. defenses against biological attacks
have major holes", Portmouth Herald, January 10, 2003,
Bioterror - Ask the Expert
Responses from Dr. Jonathan Tucker
Set 1
Posted November 14, 2001
CBS News, "U.S. Bio Weapon Defenses Vulnerable", Jan. 8, 2002,
John Mintz and Joby Warrick, "U.S. Unprepared Despite Progress,
Experts Say", Washington Post, November 8, 2004; Page A01,
Zbignew Zingh, "The Pathology of Government-Funded Research", April
14, 2005 <>
I hope this answers your question. Please contact me if you need any
clarification on this answer before you rate it. My search terms have
defenses US biological attack |