Hello adhbh-ga ,
Thank for your question about Baseball cards.
video or books that describe the manufacturing of baseball cards does
not seem to come up on amazon.com so it seems that product with the
details you describe may not exist.
Producing trading cards is similar to any other publishing venture. As
you noted there are many steps in the process. However my research has
come up with some useful information about trading card maufacturers.
There is quite a good listing of addresses/emails/websites for some
manufacturers at
There is also information on sports trading cards at
A company that has been running for 60 years making trading cards can
be seen at
The beckett company has a listing of the profiles of major trading
card companies at
The Donruss Company appears to have quite a good history of making
This company is linked to http://www.playoffinc.com/main.asp which
may be able to assist you.
Actually I found something on amzon.com, it's a magazine rather than a
book though.
from the publishers of a magazine "Beckett Baseball Card Monthly
provides positive, in-depth coverage of the emerging and established
superstars in professional baseball. Editorial content emphasizes
photo-intensive feature articles on the sports top personalities. Also
included are columns and information about baseball cards,
collectibles and trading card manufacturers. "
from: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00005NIPZ/104-2045598-4227938
You may also find some useful information about baseball cards at
The only patents or intellectual property issue I could find is in
reference to the use of images of baseball players on the cards.
The pertinent extract is:
"Over the years, baseball trading cards have increased in popularity
and value. They have spawned collector organizations, publications,
card shows, and card stores. Baseball trading cards have become big
business, from which the players receive compensation; the baseball
umpires do not. Ratner & Prestia recently completed a successful
representation of 12 Major..."
from http://www.ratnerprestia.com/vxii/newsletter/vol10no1.htm
But I think your best bet is to contact the publishers of the baseball
cards you are interested in and ask them what their process is.
This may not be an ideal answer but I hope you find this useful or
google search terms
"trading card manufacturers"
"trading card manufacturers" -non-sports baseball
patents held "trading card companies" |
Request for Answer Clarification by
09 Aug 2002 11:34 PDT
Thank you for your research, but I've been to these sites and they
really don't contain what I'm looking for. I looking for steps on the
manufacturing of the cards, not on collecting them. I appreciate your
time and please if you have any other ideas on how I can get that
information, would be very helpful!
Thank you
Clarification of Answer by
09 Aug 2002 15:22 PDT
Here is something I found regarding printing of cards in general,
though this is not a baseball trading card company.
You could also check out a trading card expo show as listed on the
Beckett site. Ask at the convention the store holders.
the next show is the national Sports Collectors Convention
Their contact details are as follows:
Tel: (702) 515-0636
Fax: (702) 363-8221
from: http://thenational.net/page.cfm/PageID/6
Beckett seems to be quite a major company for trading cards. I suggest
that you write a letter to their physical address explaining your
interest and enthusiam of knowing about 'behind the scenes' of how
they do their work.
Beckett Publications
15850 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, Texas 75248
I found this address in the privacy statement-policy of the beckett
website. You could try a similar approach with the other companies.
Hope this adds a little more info.
Request for Answer Clarification by
10 Aug 2002 17:57 PDT
Hey, thanks for your research once more,but it's still not what I'm
looking for. For the most part I had already gone to the sites you
sugested. So I'm going to have to ask for this question to be
reposted. And if you feel that you know where to get "video" or "book"
material on the subject please let me know. (I don't know if I have to
rate the question or ask for a refund. Could you let me know what to
do, please?) Thank you again,
Clarification of Answer by
10 Aug 2002 22:36 PDT
Hello adhbh,
Just when I was about to give up I stumbled upon this site
an online Bookstore that deals with out of print books or rare books.
The search function is on this page
trading cards
the closest book I could find that matches what you are looking for is
"inside Collectible Card Games by Owens, Thomas S., and Helmer, Diana
S. "
Also I found by searching : baseball cards
Card Sharks: How Upper Deck Turned a Child's Hobby Into a High-Stakes,
Billion-Dollar Business by Williams, Pete Hardcover. Macmillan, New
York (c1995.)
This had a 5 star rating
The Great American Baseball Card Flipping, Trading and Bubble Gum Book
by Boyd, Brendan C. , And Harris, Fred C Hardcover. Little Brown, New
York (1973)
Collecting Baseball Cards by Owens, Thomas S.
The synposis extract says " Complete revision of 1993 bestseller! New
include a section on cyber-collecting and the inside story on card
Baseball Cards Questions and Answers (more books like this)
by Larson, Mark K. (Editor) (more books by Larson, Mark K. (Editor))
Synopsis says "Brings clear, concise answers to more than 500 of the
frequently asked question on America 's hottest hobby. Mark K.
Larson answers beginning and advanced collectors' questions on card
grading, buying and selling, errors and variations, autographs,
memorabilia and more."
The Ultimate Insider's Guide to Baseball Cards by Stewart, Mark
1st ed. Paperback. Crown Publishers, New York (c1993.)
There is no synopsis for this book though.
Well this is about the best I can do for this research. This appears
to be a litle closer to what you requested. I have not checked
amazon.com for these specific titles but they may stock some of these
I just did a search on amazon.com for baseball card books but the
albris.com site seems more likely to be your best option.
I hope this is a little better. I'm not entirely sure what the refund
procedure is as I've only been a researcher for about 2 weeks. But I
think there is a review procedure by the editors and they determine
the refund.
kind regards