Hello magnolio,
There are frogs raining all over the unofficial, but comprehensive,
Paul Thomas Anderson web site:
Results of search for: frogs site:ptanderson.com
Since Magnolia is P.T. Anderson's film, no one could explain the frogs
better, right? So, here you go, from the man himself:
"... It wasn't until after I got through with the writing that I began
to discover what it might mean, which is this: you get to a point in
your life, and s**t is happening, and everything's out of your
control, and suddenly, a rain of frogs just makes sense. You're
staring at a doctor who is telling you something is wrong, and while
we know what it is, we have no way of fixing it. And you just go: 'So
what you're telling me, basically, is that it's raining frogs from the
sky.' .... [A]s far back as the Romans, people have been able to
judge the health of a society by the health of its frogs: the health
of a frog, the vibe of a frog, the texture of the frog, its looks, how
much wetness is on it, everything. The frogs are a barometer for who
we are as a people. We're polluting ourselves, we're killing
ourselves, and the frogs are telling us so, because they're all
getting sick and deformed. ..."
"Exodus 8:2" [scroll down to "Q: Of all things, why frogs?"]
cigarettes & coffee
For another deep interpretation, see:
"Magnolia & the Signs of the Times: A Theological Reflection" by Mario
cigarettes & coffee
Browse the Google results in my first citation, and you'll learn even
more about the falling frogs.
- justaskscott
Search strategy:
Searched on Google for:
frogs magnolia anderson
frogs site:ptanderson.com
"paul thomas anderson" |