Your starting point in order to obtain a copy of this birth
certificate is to contact Manchester City Council. The Manchester
registration service retains registration details of births, marriages
and deaths from July to the present date. You may wish to visit the
relevant page on their website:
You can request a copy of the certificate either in person, or if not
practical, by letter or email - the above link contains an email
address for such purposes. Their postal address and telephone number
are as follows:
Manchester Registration Service
Heron House
47 Lloyd Street
United Kingdom
M2 5LE
Tel: 0161 234 7878
You have a choice of two types of certificate - a full or a short
certificate. A copy of the full certificate costs £6.50 [approx.
$9.80]. A copy of the short certificate is £7.61 [approx. $7.61]. It
is unlikely that cash or a cheque for the appropriate fee would be
acceptable in anything other than pounds sterling. However, if you
make a telephone or email application, you can pay by credit card.
The full certificate will show all the details entered onto the
register. The shorter certificate will only note the person's name,
sex, date and place of birth. A telephone or email application is
normally dealt with on the day of receipt.
You will need the following information as you would be applying for a
pre-1927 birth record: the year of birth, the quarter of that year
that birth occurred in, and the registration district. As you don't
appear to have all these details, you would need to conduct a search
of the General Registration Indices (also known as St. Catherines
House Indices). These indices may be found at various locations, both
around the UK and Australia, Canada and New Zealand, for example
records offices, family history centers and public libraries.
You may also wish to visit PROCAT - the Public Records Office's Online
Catalogue, which can be accessed via:
the official website of the UK government's Public Record Office.
Although they do not hold all records online, they provide plenty of
useful advice on how to search the records in person and also, supply
a list of independent researchers who will carry out the search for a
fee, if you are unable to attend in person. Also, if you have an
acquaintance or relative who can visit for you, they are happy to
accommodate this, but suggest writing or emailing in advance. For
further helpful information on this service, try
Contact details for the Public Records Office are as follows:
Public Record Office, Kew, Richmond, Surrey TW9 4DU.
Telephone Number: 020 8876 3444, fax: 020 8392 5286
Another source of assistance in obtaining a copy of the required birth
certificate may be discovered at:
They provide a link to the General Register Office at:
There is also a volunteer run service available at
However, this service is a work in progress and currently only holds
information up until 1901, although update work is ongoing.
If you cannot obtain the necessary information or are unable to search
the indices referred to above, you may receive assistance from:
General Register Office
PO Box 2
Their website may be found at:
Although you cannot download a copy of the certificate should they
find it, there is a downloadable application form for the certificate
available from:
I hope this information is of assistance to you and good luck in your
Purplecat. |