General formula for flow
flow = Delta * area * conductivity / thickness
applies to many, if not all, flows, be it heat, electricity or fluid.
In case of heat, Delta is difference of temperatures on the two sides
of block of material
and conductivity is thermal conductivity k - a property of the material.
The product: area * conductivity / thickness
is called conductance and is inverse of resistance.
The ratio: Delta / thickness is called gradient - in case of heat -
the temperature gradient.
So - you are right that flow is more when Temperature difference is larger,
but not exponentialy more, only lineraly more. It also is proportional to the
area. So these two numbers would have to be suplied to do the calculation.
The property is symetrical - meaning : if you exhabe the sides, hot for cold,
you get the same flow (in the new direction) but you have to wait
after a steady flow is established.
The values of conductivity, and proper SI units are detailed here:
R- value is used in construction industry in US and uses not the SI units,
but imperial units of measurements (BTUs inches and feet).
SI unit of thermal resistance = K·m²/W,
Imperial unit is = 1 ft² F° h / Btu = approx. 0.1761 K·m²/W.
as explained (and converted) here:
In the past there was a lot of controversy and arguments about proper labelling,
even lobyying, and false advertising claims concerning R-labels.
Today,R-value is defined by a specific ASTM test which measures heat
flow in BTUs per hour,
through 1 feet square, one inch thick material.
Hedgie |
Request for Answer Clarification by
13 May 2005 14:05 PDT
Hi Hedgie, thanks for your response, but I'm still not sure about a
couple of things:
1. Lets say you have a hot insulated body suspended in the middle of
some air. Even if the R-value on the top of that body is identicle to
the R-value at the bottom, you will get much more heat loss through
the top, won't you? Since heat rises, I would think much more heat
would be lost from the top surface, despite the identicle R-value.
Looking at the "reflective insulation" section at, it seems to me to be
saying that you get a different R-value based on the same material in
different situations, though the wording is not clear to me.
2. I see from the website I provided in the last question that to
convert to a conductivity value, you can use the formula 1/R to
determine the U-value, which is Btu/square foot-°Fahrenheit-hour. Is
that the value I would plug in as the conductivity value in the flow
equation? Or, I see you have mentioned a conversion formula to convert
Btu/square foot-°Fahrenheit-hour to K·m²/W (u-value * 0.1761).
Clarification of Answer by
13 May 2005 22:58 PDT
re 1) The article you mention
is good, except for last paragraph
"Reflective insulation"
which is an attempt to extrapolate the R concept beyond its domain of validity.
The physics topic is 'Heat transfer' which happens by conduction,
radiation and convection
R-values deal with conduction and depend on the whole insulation block
of given thickness
- you cannot have different value on the top or bottom
- and all heat 'comming in at one end' must 'come out' on the other end
(since we are in 'steady state')
Reflectivity is a surface property (surface painted black or white)
and it should not be confused with R values. Radiant heat (infra-red
light) is either
absorbed in the surface (increasing its Temperature) or reflected. Increased
temperature will lead to increase of conductive flow.
Both effects can be measured if there is no other transfer going on:
If you hang a block of material in the room, dominant mechanism will
be convection - air flowing around the block will bring surfaces on
both sides to same temperature. If you have a hot (or cold) stuff inside -
like in a cooler - then T1 and T2 is temperature in the cooler and temperature
in the room and flow is either from inside to outside or the opposite to that.
So, to measure other modes, you need to eliminate convection: Have two
rooms (or boxes) well insulated, adjacent, with a window between them.
One room is heated to temp T1 , other to T2 and window is filled with
a block of material.
Then R value of that block will rule the flow of heat according to the
Flw Equation above.
So, radiant barriers differ from resistive insulation
If both rooms are in thermal equilibrium, radiant heat will not
influence measurement of the R-value. To see effect of Radiant Heat,
add a 'heat-lamp' to shine on one side of the window. Depending on
reflectance of that surface, the flow of heat will increase.
re 2)
We need to differentiate between conductivity and conductance
which are either property of
material or of a block with thickness T
------------ ----------
conductivity conductance
resistivity resistance
Vikipedia article
says correctly:
in summary, for a plate of thermal conductivity ?, area A and thickness T:
thermal conductance = ?/T, measured in W/K·m^2
thermal resistance = T/?, measured in K·m^2/W
but then confuses the issue by a comment in parenthesis.
In the flow formula you have
flow = Delta * Area * conductivity / thickness
is same as
flow = Delta * Area * conductance
as conductance = ?/T = conductivity / thickness
3) In conclusion
overview of all modes is here
Clarification of Answer by
13 May 2005 23:15 PDT
One more link - your tax money at work :-)
National labs have been directed to help citizens to save energy
Hre is page which points to some results:
Click on
Insulation Terminology
...... and it looks like nothing happened, you scroll down and find
Insulation Terminology
with links to
Department of Energy's Insulation Fact Sheet, produced by Oak Ridge
National Laboratory
Radiant barriers is the Department of Energy's Radiant Barrier Fact
Sheet, produced by Oak Ridge National
Request for Answer Clarification by
28 May 2005 02:41 PDT
Before I rate your answer, please provide an example calculation using
the variables indicated in the original question (40C difference,
Clarification of Answer by
31 May 2005 04:54 PDT
If you want to measure flow across the whole block,
you need to know the area of the block.
Let's assume you work in the Customary (aka British Imperial) units
and area is 4 ft^2 (four square feet), then flow is
Flow=A * Delta * conductance = 4 * delta /R = 4 * 40 /15
I ype 4*40/15 into google and get:
(4 * 40) / 15 = 10.6666667
that is your answer in Btu/hour
If Your area is A in feet square, your can use formua
Flow= A *8 */3 Btu/hour
Additional example and details are in
where it says:
Some countries use a non-SI definition: R = ft^2 F° h/Btu.
The conversion between the two is is 1 ft² F° h / Btu = approx. 0.1761 K·m²/W.
For a practical example, if the interior of your home is at 20°C, and
the roof cavity is at 10°C, that gives a temperature difference of
10°. Then, assuming a ceiling insulated to R2, 5 Watts of energy will
be lost for every square metre of ceiling. This is of course a
theoretical example, and therefore fails to take into account a myriad
of other factors.