Hi andyssi:
There are no shots *required* to travel to Costa Rica:
Costa Rica FAQ
URL: http://www.bestofcostarica.com/faq.htm
Quote: "Q. Are immunizations required?
From a general health standpoint, Costa Rica is one of the safest
destinations in the developing world. This is largely due to high
health standards in our country. Thus, there are no required
immunizations when traveling to Costa Rica...However, it is always
wise to keep up your basic shots such as tetanus and diphtheria. Risk
of contracting malaria is minimal, but for itineraries that include
the Caribbean lowlands, travelers might wish to take the extra
precaution of prophylactic medicine such as chloroquinine.
Decisions about immunizations and anti-malarial medications should be
made on a personal basis after consultation with your personal
While no shot are required, the following site gives a very good
breakdown of immunizations *recommended* for travel to Costa Rica:
Costa Rica
URL: http://www.mdtravelhealth.com/destinations/mamerica_carib/costa_rica.html
Malaria: Prophylaxis with chloroquine is recommended for the provinces
of Alajuela, Limon (except for Limon City), ****Guanacaste****, and
* Hepatitis A - Recommended for all travelers
* Typhoid - Recommended for all travelers
* Hepatitis B - For travelers who may have intimate contact with local
residents, especially if visiting for more than 6 months
* Routine immunizations - All travelers should be up-to-date on
tetanus-diphtheria, measles-mumps-rubella, polio, and varicella
Search Strategy (on Google):
* innoculations
* innoculations OR immunizations "costa rica"
I hope this helps.
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