Unwanted email address in computer
Category: Computers Asked by: pigpenpub-ga List Price: $5.00 |
08 Aug 2002 12:00 PDT
Expires: 07 Sep 2002 12:00 PDT Question ID: 52289 |
Everytime my sister sends an email (her address is a @comcast.net address), the receipient get the email showing it is from: mcgdogmcgdogmcgdogmcgdogmcgdogmcgdogmcgdo@no.domain.spam Her email address looks nothing like this! She can't find out why or what to do to get it off her computer. The computer has been checked and rechecked for viruses using Macafee online service. There is no attachment to the emails. But she has been having computer problems since this started, and the computer techs think is has to do with this, but don't know how to fix or get rid of it. Any solutions, suggestions? | |
Re: Unwanted email address in computer
Answered By: lazerfx-ga on 09 Aug 2002 14:12 PDT |
Hi, thanks for the question. A little bit of background, first: When you send an e-mail, a tag is added to the start of the e-mail that says, "This is where the e-mail is from." Let us say you are micky@mouse.com, this tag would contain 'mickey@mouse.com'. This from tag does not need to be the same as your real e-mail address... let us say you couldn't access your own e-mail, and used another e-mail address. You could change the 'from' tag so that it still appeared to come from you. So, the fictional mickey@mouse.com could send his e-mail from donald@duck.com, and yet make his e-mail look as though it had come from mickey@mouse.com by changing the from-tag. So how do you change it? I have searched and found a couple of tutorials that detail how to do this: Freeserve Technical Support http://www.freeserve.com/help/email/sendingreceiving/changingthefromname.htm [Please Note: This document is designed by the UK ISP Freeserve, and as such, it refers to freeserve SMTP and e-mail servers. Don't worry about this, the instructions will still be very much the same for you] Changing your Email Reply Address is Outlook or Outlook Express http://www.jamesshuggins.com/h/web1/email_reply_address.htm This is a slightly more general article, and recaps what I have said above, as well as including instructions on how to change your e-mail address. I hope this clears up any confusion your sister may have about her e-mail address, and that she can soon be sending e-mails with a real reply address on them. LazerFX-GA | |
Re: Unwanted email address in computer
From: bobthedispatcher-ga on 08 Aug 2002 17:44 PDT |
The From: address does not have to be the same as the persons outbound mail server account address. I also use comcast, and have created several outbound accounts in my mailer, for the various Email addresses from serveral domains. they are then sent out thru my comcast acct. Incidentaly some ISP's block this, but I know comcast does not. The exact proceedure depends on the software she uses. |
Re: Unwanted email address in computer
From: webbob-ga on 08 Aug 2002 22:38 PDT |
Have your sister run a virus check on: http://www.trendmicro.com/free_tools/ It's free and Trend Micro tends to be ahead of the field on viruses. At least that is what a Dell Computer Technician told me. Sorry Google Answers Team. Word of mouth can't be documented. webbob-ga |
Re: Unwanted email address in computer
From: pigpenpub-ga on 09 Aug 2002 06:14 PDT |
She is using Outlook Express. Thanks for the help. |
Re: Unwanted email address in computer
From: lisarea-ga on 09 Aug 2002 08:16 PDT |
Hi, pigpenpub, It looks like someone changed your sister's From: line. A lot of people do this when posting to Usenet or in other public areas to avoid getting lots of spam. It doesn't, however, make a lot of sense to do this with your email, as this address isn't publicly viewable. Your question seems to imply that her settings used to be correct, which would indicate that someone changed her email settings, maybe as a joke or in a misguided attempt to protect her from spam. I'm not familiar with any viruses that would cause this kind of thing, but that's not to say it's impossible. The closest thing I'm aware of to this is the Klez virus, which spreads itself by sending emails to everyone in the infected person's address book, munging the from: line in the process. Again, I'm fairly certain this is not the problem with your sister's computer, but you can read up on Klez here: http://www.osborne.com/virus_alert/ So, probably all you need to do is change her account settings to show the correct email address in her From: line. I'm not all that familiar with Outlook, but searching on "outlook express" "account preferences" leads to a number of links that might be of help. Here's a walkthrough from an ISP for setting up a new account: http://pop3.reference.directnic.com/outlook_ex.html Don't follow the instructions on the page, but this will give us an idea of what the options look like. How exactly to get to this screen depends on which version of Outlook Express she has and what operating system she's using, but see if this works: 1. Select the Accounts option from the Tools menu. 2. Select her account name, then select Properties. 3. Locate the option for her email address, which will be the "mcgdogmcgdog..." one, delete that, and add her real one. Don't change anything else. 4. Save your changes, and send a test message. (You can just send a test email to the same account to make sure that everything's working OK.) I'm not at all familiar with Outlook Express, so if this doesn't work, you may want to try searching on "outlook express" "mail account" "from: line" and the version number and operating system to try to find details on how to locate this on her system. Good luck, Lisa. |
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