Just some advice - you know your son better than the teachers do. You
know whether he is agressive and needs anger management or not. If you
sincerely think that your son does not have any problem with anger,
then for his own sake, do not allow him to be forced into any classes.
He is only a child of seven! It might also stigmatise the child -
imagine how his peers may tease him. for being different.
I was looking at the Glendale Unified Schools District Policy and
Regulations web page -
http://www.glendale.k12.ca.us/Internal/bpar/bpar5000.htm - which
contains the rules which might apply to the school your son attends.
If you look at the following file, which describes how student conduct
should be - http://www.glendale.k12.ca.us/board_docs/SearchPDF/BP-5131-StudentConduct.pdf
it is written under section A, part 5:
"Parents or guardian shall be expected to cooperate with school authorities
regarding the behavior of their children. Parents or guardian shall be held
responsible for the willful misbehavior of their children"
Also, under section C, it is stated:
"Students who violate District or school rules and regulations may be subject to
discipline, including but not limited to suspension, expulsion, or transfer to
alternative programs in accordance with Board policy and administrative
regulation. In addition, when the conduct involves intimidation, harassment, or
other endangerment of a student or employee, the Superintendent or
designee shall provide appropriate assistance as necessary for the
victim and the offender or make appropriate referrals for such
So, it seems that they want you as the parent to cooperate with them,
and if the behavious is so severe that they need to disipline your
son, they have options open such as expulsion and suspension etc.
However, if it is the first time that they have contacted you about
this, they I think you should not worry too much. It would be normal
policy for the teacher to contact the parent and ask them to intervene
and talk to the child. I do not think that they can force any
treatment on your child against your wishes at all - they are not even
allowed to examine the child's health against your wishes.
From http://www.glendale.k12.ca.us/board_docs/SearchPDF/AR-5141.3-HealthAppraisal.pdf
"A parent or guardian may refuse consent to a student?s physical examination by
filing a statement in writing annually with the principal. Thereupon
the child shall be exempt from any physical examination"
So I don't think they can treat your child without your permission.
Just tell the teacher that you have spoken to your son, and that you
do not think anger management classes are appropriate at this time.
Also, tell your son to be very careful around that teacher and in
their lessons.
If you want further information, you can contact the Educational
Services Office at the school, and ask them if anger management
classes would be compulsory if recommended by the teacher, because it
is written on this page, that you can contact them for more
information: http://www.glendale.k12.ca.us/text_version/supplement2.htm
You can also email the Student counciller at Glendale Elementary, and
ask him your questions as a concerned parent. His email address and
details can be found here:
Hope this helps. |