Dear Jensemann,
This shouldn't be that hard.
1) Talk to your webhost about providing webmail access.
(Or arrange to set up a webmail-type account on your
own company's server. )
Using Horde software, which most hosts provide,
(or anyother webmail software)
you can allow your key staff to log into the e-mail
Within the e-mail account, create folders for each of those groups:
Once a question is answered, can put the answered questions into the folder.
Any questions that have not been answered will sill be in the inbox.
You can probably set the e-mail server to copy all incomeing e-mail
to everyone. Or you can set up a schedule for each person to log in
to check for mail.
2) Or you can also set up different e-mail addresses for each of
those topics and have only those e-mails copied to that person.
You can still have all the mail in the webmail tool online
(or on your server) so staff can log in and check it.
And if you still want people to feel they are sending it to
the president, make those special e-mail accounts say so:
For instance - [replace 'president' with the president's first or last name]
3) Or you can do it using a form on your site.
Probably the best way - as if it's coded right,
spammers won't be able to grab any e-mail addresses.
Using a form - people will think it's going to the
president, when it's really being sent directly to
the department that should handle it.
Naturally, you should set the form to go to the
president as well, so s/he can monitor the issues
any time s/he feels like it.
The form should show that it's going to the
president, but us a drop-down menu to select
the topic of the communication. That topic should
cause the form to be forwarded to the person who
can handle the issue.
These are just some easy ways to make it all work.
Personally, I think using an online form, and having
everything go to a master webmail box with folder,
and copied to the right person - that would be ideal.
The people receiving the question should log into the
webmail and answer from there, storing the replies in
the folders.
Then, whoever is monitoring the overall questions will
be able to see at glance if people are missing any.
Will this help?
Best wishes
Your TaxMama-ga |