Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
Category: Science > Math Asked by: charltonian-ga List Price: $22.00 |
24 May 2005 10:55 PDT
Expires: 29 May 2005 01:43 PDT Question ID: 525074 |
Ok, you can follow the detail around this in the similarly named posts below. Essentially I have a cube, on this cube I have a line which intersects the faces (like a lazer pointer.) I have calculated the point in 3d space where the intersection occurs, but would like to convert this information into a 2d representation I have of the cube's faces. http://pling.biz/popups/cube/cube.htm is a working example of the cube and its intersections, (it looks mashed to start with, just click one of the movement keys and it sorts itself out.) You can see on the cube faces, and their second representations, there is a small red cross, this is what I am trying to move to the position of the intersection (it does move at the moment, just not right.) This time I am starting the price low - but I am prepared to tip making it up to $30 (or reposting hte question once you have outlined the solution) Please comment if this isn't clear. | |
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Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: crythias-ga on 24 May 2005 17:32 PDT |
:) nice. OK. I hope you don't mind more of my comments? May I guess that, perhaps, you're not likely to have the red dot on any but one side? (or, if we agree that the line is a continuous line, then either the laser line goes through opposite or adjoining faces ... what's weird to me is that you have the potential that the red dot goes through 4 faces? Let's take a look. BTW: it would have been very nice to have a full representation of the line, regardless of the intersection. Can you tell a little more about points 15 16 and 17; and I thought they were static, regardless of how the cube rotated... Or do they have anything to do with the red dot? |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: manuka-ga on 24 May 2005 23:34 PDT |
Coming in late to this one, but here we go anyway. If you've calculated the point in 3D where the intersection occurs, as well as (at least three of) the corners of the given face, it's really not hard to do. Suppose you have 3D coordinates for three corners A, B, C and the intersection point X. Work out the vectors (A-B), (C-B) and (X-B). Express (X-B) as a linear combination of (A-B) and (C-B); this will be possible if you've calculated X correctly (i.e. X is in the plane of ABC), and the solution will be unique unless X=B. In fact, most of this is the same work you do to *find* the intersection point in the first place. These coefficients then map directly onto your square representation of the face in question. Note that if either of the coefficients is outside the range [0, 1] then X is not in the square defined by A, B, C (i.e. the line does not intersect that particular face). Here's an example. Suppose your square has corners A (0, 2, 2), B (0, 4, 0) and C (8/3, 14/3, 2/3). [A and B chosen at random, C chosen to form a square with rational coefficients so I don't have to try putting sqaure-root signs into this comment.] Suppose your line runs from O along the vector (1,1,1). Then to find the intersection point X, you let X = k(1, 1, 1) for some k and use the fact that X is in the plane ABC: (X-B) = c_1 (A-B) + c_2 (C-B) where _1 and _2 are subscripts; we're sitting at B and saying that the directions to A and to C define the plane ABC, so the vector to X must be a combination of those. Substituting in gives (k, k-4, k) = c_1 (0, -2, 2) + c_2 (8/3, 2/3, -2/3) The idea is to solve this for c_1 and c_2. Setting it up in matrix form (with some reordering of the rows) gives [ 2 -2/3 | k ] [ 0 8/3 | k ] [ -2 2/3 | k-4 ] which can be reduced to [ 1 -1/3 | k/2 ] [ 0 1 | 3k/8 ] [ 0 0 | 2k-4 ] This is soluble if and only if 2k-4 = 0, i.e. k=2, so X = (2, 2, 2). This is how we find X in the first place. Now to map X into the square, all we need to do is complete the solution by finding c_1 and c_2. Substituting k=2 into the last matrix gives [ 1 -1/3 | 1 ] [ 0 1 | 3/4 ] [ 0 0 | 0 ] which is interpreted as "c_1 - c_2/3 = 1; c_2 = 3/4" giving the solution c_1 = 5/4, c_2 = 3/4. Now suppose your square is mapped as below (how square this looks probably depends on your browser settings, but just pretend): B.-------.C | | | | | | A'-------'D Then X is 5/4 of the way from B to A, and 3/4 of the way from B to C, so it would be in the spot indicated: B.-------.C | | | | | | A'-------'D .X (I hope this is clear. If not, please let me know.) |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: charltonian-ga on 25 May 2005 01:13 PDT |
crythias-ga points 15 16 and 17 - represent the intersections on the visible planes - the colour coding represents which of the three visible faces the 'bubble' is for. I will attempt to put a line in (tonight.) The red dot, should move on the face to where the bubble 15, 16 or 17 (depending on the face) should be. manuka-ga I bizarrely had a very similar thought in the bath last night (a 'eureka moment' perhaps) I'm reading over your response (and am nearly getting it) although I think I'm a little confused as my square is A.-------.B | | | | | | C'-------'D but I guess that means (X-A) = c_1 (C-A) + c_2 (B-A) But I'm just not getting the last push, I'm sure it's obvious (and I am a little foggy this morning) I'll need to read through it properly, and substitite in my numbers, and give it a go. |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: charltonian-ga on 25 May 2005 01:45 PDT |
Ok, I've worked this through a little. And the point where I get stuck is: "The idea is to solve this for c_1 and c_2. Setting it up in matrix form (with some reordering of the rows) gives [ 2 -2/3 | k ] [ 0 8/3 | k ] [ -2 2/3 | k-4 ] which can be reduced to [ 1 -1/3 | k/2 ] [ 0 1 | 3k/8 ] [ 0 0 | 2k-4 ] This is soluble if and only if 2k-4 = 0, i.e. k=2, so X = (2, 2, 2). This is how we find X in the first place. " Now, I do understand what you are doing, but what I'm not sure of is how I would convert it into something I can use at run-time. (As in I'm not able to 'solve' something at run-time - it needs to be a fixed formula.) |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: charltonian-ga on 25 May 2005 09:53 PDT |
ok, there is now line. crythias-ga "Can you tell a little more about points 15 16 and 17, I thought they were static" Sorry this was a mis-explanation - possibly a little cleared up but the line. 15 16 and 17 represent the point where the line and a plane intersects (there are 3 as there are always 3 faces visible) |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: charltonian-ga on 25 May 2005 12:22 PDT |
manuka-ga Ok I have had a good attempt to work through your example, and I'm still a bit unsure of things. Essentially my confusion comes from: I can get a value for k very simply, as you say X = kP where P is onw end of the line which ends at the Origin, as I set P I know what its values are, and I have calculated X. So k = X/P Where, of course, this doesn't get me, is much further with the matrix you have set up. I'm confused as to why you juggle the lines around. And I'm unsure what to do with my newly found value k. It would seem that I end up with some kind of simultaneous equation, and I'm looking into methods for solving that at run-time... Is this sounding right to you? |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: crythias-ga on 25 May 2005 13:01 PDT |
http://www.jtaylor1142001.net/calcjat/Solutions/VPlanes/VPtIntLPlane.htm Point of Intersection of Line and Plane Wow. amazing what you can find if you type in some things. I'm not being mean. I was really surprised. http://www.gotoandplay.it/_articles/2005/01/ppbr3d.php SWF http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/~pbourke/geometry/linefacet/ source code! http://members.tripod.com/~Paul_Kirby/vector/Vplanelineint.html http://www.cs.unb.ca/profs/nickerson/courses/cs4735/Labs/L3_2004.htm http://www.exaflop.org/docs/cgafaq/cga5.html Subject 5.05: How do I find the intersection of a line and a plane? If the plane is defined as: a*x + b*y + c*z + d = 0 and the line is defined as: x = x1 + (x2 - x1)*t = x1 + i*t y = y1 + (y2 - y1)*t = y1 + j*t z = z1 + (z2 - z1)*t = z1 + k*t Then just substitute these into the plane equation. You end up with: t = - (a*x1 + b*y1 + c*z1 + d)/(a*i + b*j + c*k) When the denominator is zero, the line is contained in the plane if the numerator is also zero (the point at t=0 satisfies the plane equation), otherwise the line is parallel to the plane. |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: charltonian-ga on 25 May 2005 13:35 PDT |
crythias-ga I am actually amazed that you managed to find some stuff that I hadn't seen before, but the flash example was particularly galling. I have had a look through - and it obviously has an implementation of what I need, but I find looking at other peoples code like staring into the mouth of madness, and pulling it apart into a useful form for my project could well prove to be a test in itself. BUT- that is what I will be doing tomorrow. Thanks a lot for your help and input. If you want to be kept up to date on what it becomes you can find my email on the site. |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: manuka-ga on 25 May 2005 17:42 PDT |
You're pretty much right for the different square. Note that it's normal practice to label the points in order as you go around, but for our purposes it doesn't really matter - your proposed adjustments will be fine, as long as you remember to carry them through to where you plot X! Now as for solving these equations at run-time, it's no harder than finding the point of intersection in the first place. The matrix notation may be making it look harder than it really is. (Also note that there are many algorithms for doing Gaussian elimination all over the place. I'll describe a simple one below.) Let's review the situation: We have calculated the 3D coordinates of points A, B, C, and we know X is on a given line. We calculate vectors B-A and C-A. We want coefficients of X-A as a combination of the other two. I'm going to define a vector datatype with fields x, y and z; I'll use . to indicate a field of a record (actual syntax depends on your programming language). Define vector variables xa, xa_k, ba, ca. The latter two will simply be B-A and C-A; the former two will be the constant and vector portions of X-A. (So if A = (a1, a2, a3) and X is on a line passing through point (p1, p2, p3) in the direction (n1, n2, n3) then xa = (p1-a1, p2-a2, p3-a3) and xa_k = (n1, n2, n3).) Also define a matrix type as a 3*4 array, or an array of 4 vectors, and define a matrix variable M. Mathematically we have c_1 (ba) + c_2 (ca) = xa + k (xa_k). Populate M with the vectors ba, ca, xa and xa_k. I will assume M is defined as M[0..2, 0..3]. * If the first element M[0,0] of M is zero, find a non-zero element in the first column (there will be one since ba is not the zero vector) and swap the entire row containing this element with the entire first row. * Divide every element of the first row by the first element of the first row (store this in a variable, or work backwards to the first element - you don't want to do something like "for i = 0 to 3: M[0,i] = M[0,i] / M[0,0]" since this will only divide the first element by itself). * For each lower row, subtract from each element the product of the corresponding element in the first row and the first element of the target row. In other words, do something like this: for i = 3 to 0 step -1 [C-style: for (i=3; i>=0; i--) ] M[1,i] = M[1,i] - M[1,1] * M[0,i] M[2,i] = M[2,i] - M[2,1] * M[0,i] next * At this stage we have sorted out the first row and column. We then do essentially the same thing with the rest of the matrix. If the second element of the second column M[1,1] is zero, swap the second and third rows. * Then divide every element of the second row by the second element of the second row. * Then subtract from every element of the third row the product of the first element of the third row and the corresponding element in the second row. At this stage your matrix will look like this: [ 1 a b c ] [ 0 1 d e ] [ 0 0 f g ] Since the columns are respectively the coefficients of c_1, c_2, 1 and k, the last row translates to "0 + 0 = f + g*k", so k = -f/g = -M[2,2]/M[2,3]. The second last row translates to "0 + c_2 = d + e*k", so c_2 = M[1,2] + M[1,3]*k. The first row translates to "c_1 + a*c_2 = b + c*k", so c_1 = M[0,2] + M[0,3]*k - M[0,1]*c_2. And there you have it. Once you have c_1 and c_2 you can plot X on the projected square. Note: An improvement to the above procedure is, instead of checking for zero (or near-zero) values, find the value closest to 1 in magnitude. This is on a logarithmic scale (i.e. 0.01 and 100 are the same distance away for our purposes), so you want to find the row with the lowest value of abs(log(abs(M[i,0]))) in the first step. Then swap this row with the first row. Do a similar check when you're down to just the second and third rows. This will give you more accurate results (better protection against rounding errors). |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: manuka-ga on 25 May 2005 17:59 PDT |
Hi charltonian-ga, Yes, we end up with a set of simultaneous equations. We're trying to find two values: how far X is in the A-B direction, and how far in the A-C direction. We juggle the lines around basically to avoid dividing by zero. In my example, I swapped the second and third rows when I set up the matrix. If I hadn't, I'd have had to do it later because my second row would have had the first two elements as 0. As my last comment indicates, it's best when implementing this in a program to always look for the best value to divide by to minimise rounding errors (do a search on "Gaussian elimination" "partial pivoting" to find out much more). Note: Most people prefer to find the largest-magnitude value and swap that with the row being processed. I personally don't like that approach, but by all means feel free to do it that way rather than the more complicated one I proposed. Hope this helps! |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: charltonian-ga on 26 May 2005 11:15 PDT |
hello manuka-ga, I think this will be the last question (cue sighs of releif far and wide) I managed to find (on wikipedia) a pseudo code example of gaussian elimination, and converted it into flash (no mean feat - honestly!) So then I put it into my cube, and the results were... erratic. I'd say this was due to some oversight on my part/programming, but I just wanted to be sure I'd converted all the things you'd told me correctly. 'So if A = (a1, a2, a3) and X is on a line passing through point (p1, p2, p3) in the direction (n1, n2, n3) then xa = (p1-a1, p2-a2, p3-a3) and xa_k = (n1, n2, n3).' Now I'm just wondering where n has come from. The line goes from point P to the origin so (and forgive the mixture of letters.) does n = P or is n = |P|, and then from this I also wonder if xa_k = xa*k or something else? Could you just clear that up 'Mathematically we have c_1 (ba) + c_2 (ca) = xa + k (xa_k). Populate M with the vectors ba, ca, xa and xa_k. I will assume M is defined as M[0..2, 0..3].' from this I'm assuming my matrix is [BAx, CAx, XAx, XAkx] [BAy, CAy, XAy, XAky] [BAy, CAy, XAy, XAky] (i've changed some letters to caps for clarity) Now, I've put the latest version of the cube up for all to see, this currently has a fudged version of XAk, which equals the value of XA*k (that I derived from k = X/P [X is point of intersection, P is one end of the line) The attempt to move the dot is only 'working' on face 5. If you are in a position to answer this question (as in you are a researcher), then do that rather than comment :) |
Re: Conversion of a point in 3d space to a local 2d representation (mark ii)
From: charltonian-ga on 26 May 2005 11:21 PDT |
I noticed the lastr line of my array was wrong, should obviously be [BAz, CAz, XAz, XAkz] Also should have mentioned I got rid of the 'bubble' for faces 5 and 3, just in case it obscured the red dot. |
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