I have been able to identify multiple resources which will provide you
with considerable material on your topic. The most useful Internet
resources I have located are reviews of the books "Children for the
Union: The War Spirit on the Northern Home Front" by James Marten,
"The Children's Civil War" also by James Marten, and "Beyond Their
Years: Stories of Sixteen Civil War Children"
by Scotti Cohn. "Children for the Union," which appears to be an
excellent source of material on your questions, is available at many
libraries as well as through book stores.
The most comprehensive review of "Children for the Union" is available
at: "Book Review" by Joan Gittens, The American Historical Review,
History Cooperative (April 2005)
This article provides considerable information that answers your
Another review that describes James Marten's background is "Ivan R.
Dee" The Bookwatch (Dec, 2004)
Amazon.com has additional reviews: "Editorial Reviews" Amazon.com
Amazon's reviews of "The Children's Civil War" and "Beyond Their
Years" are available at
and http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0762710276/103-4194946-3397459?v=glance,
Note that you can search within the text of these books online through
Amazon as well as purchase them.
"Summary of COBBLESTONE ®'s A Child's View: The Civil War Issue"
Cobblestone Publishing (1999)
http://www.cobblestonepub.com/pages/CobbThe%20Civil%20War.htm has a
brief description of the roles of children in the Civil War and is
available for purchase.
Another Cobblestone publication is "Growing Up In Civil War" available
for purchase at http://store.cobblestonepub.com/store/merchant.mv?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=CP&Product_Code=APP0304&Category_Code=CWE.
The National Civil War Museum in Harrisburg, PA
(http://www.nationalcivilwarmuseum.org/)is currently hosting an
exhibit on this subject: "YOUNG AMERICA: CHILDREN & THE CIVIL WAR
Special exhibit featuring children during the Civil War. This is the
first exhibit of its kind to examine the lives of children during the
mid-19th Century - - at work, at play, at school and even at war."
"Children of the Civil War" provides a brief biography of one child
who accompanied his father to war:
"Boys in the Civil War!" (February 15, 2002)
http://www.civilwarhome.com/boysinwar.htm provides some statistics on
the ages and numbers of children involved in the war.
Wonko |