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Q: A Question that only thx1138-ga should answer. ( Answered 5 out of 5 stars,   2 Comments )
Subject: A Question that only thx1138-ga should answer.
Category: Reference, Education and News > General Reference
Asked by: probonopublico-ga
List Price: $5.00
Posted: 09 Aug 2002 08:01 PDT
Expires: 08 Sep 2002 08:01 PDT
Question ID: 52585
On 14 February 1940, a man from the British Foreign Office who called 
himself 'Mr Gill' visited the American Embassy in London and advised 
Herschel Johnson that a serious leakage of information had been 
detected and that their source in Berlin (probably Karl Markus) had 
reported that he had heard Kurt Jahnke (his boss) say to his 
translator, in reply to a question as to whether there was any 
American material on a particular day, 
'No, the Doctor has not dictated this morning'. 
Evidentally, 'the Doctor' was based in London and he had been leaking 
information BEFORE Tyler Kent took up his posting there on 5 October 
So if he wasn't Tyler Kent (who was arrested on 20 May 1940) who was 
'the Doctor'? 
Several spy writers (including John Costello, Bearse & Read, etc.) 
have researched the question without unmasking the man. Yes ... there 
was certainly another spy in the State Department but he wasn't based 
in London. 
Now, I'm betting that Google Answers can succeed where others have 
Subject: Re: A Question that only thx1138-ga should answer.
Answered By: thx1138-ga on 09 Aug 2002 11:02 PDT
Rated:5 out of 5 stars
Hi probonopublico, 
Here are some pieces of a jigsaw (but the pieces might not be from the
same jigsaw :)

“The Doctor” is in fact Major Ritter (Abwehr) (1.) He was known as
“The Doctor”  because he was also known as Dr. Hans Rankin and Dr.
Rantzau (2.)
Ritter had lived in the USA for 10 years and “spoke American English
fluently and without a trace of an accent.”  In the document I told
you about  “The
Doctor” is one in the same as you asked about in your question, but
didnīt actually work in the US Embassy but was passing on information
before Tyler Kent took up post (and after) The question is who was
doing the spying before Taylor Kent took up post ?  “The Doctor” of
course was passing information from both the British and the Americans
back to Berlin and yes! Kurt Jahnke.
Of course another question is if "The Doctor" is
Major Ritter then why is he being interviewed by the British on March
29th 1941
Maybe he was part of the "Black Orchestra" conspiracy and/or a double
It seems strange that at the outbreak of war he didnīt report the fact
that almost all of the Nazi spies in the UK "had either been turned as
British double agents who would continue to feed the Germans useless
information throughout the war, or were British agents from MI5
impersonating the original Abwehr spies."
If "The Doctor" was in the UK at the time of the arrests and
interrogations by British security services, why wasnīt he arrested or
'turned' - Maybe he was!

NOTE: in document
The MI5 agent says "The summary of the remainder of the conversation
pointed out in my opinion the fact that they expected to use the
Little Man as a valuable contact point when the first invasion was
planned., a year ago and that, although......"
The document is dated March 29th 1941. The only invasion planned "a
year ago" ie 1940 was Hitlers invasion of England.
"Hitler gave up his attempt to invade Britain in September 1940; this
had been called "Operation Sealion"
Therefore the MI5 agent is clearly talking to a Nazi spy with the
codename "The Doctor"
We should also remember that "The Doctorīs" big boss Admiral
Canaris(3.) appears not to have been 100% behind the Nazi cause and
was infact involved in the assasination attempt on Hitlers life (the
"Black Orchestra") for which he was later executed.

Could it be that the number of agents turned to work against the Nazis
was at a much higher level than previously thought?

All the best 
(1.) . The case collapsed in early 1941 after a visit by SNOW and
CELERY to Lisbon to meet their German ‘controller’, spymaster Major
Ritter, alias ‘the Doctor’. During debriefing back in England SNOW
claimed to have divulged everything after being accused of being a
British agent by Ritter. 
(2.)“He was indeed a spy. 
The name Dr. Hans Rankin and his role at the Hamburg import-export
were a “cover.” Actually, he was a major in the Abwehr, Germany’s
secret service,
and his real name was Nicholaus Ritter.” 
“Two years later, Major Nicholaus Ritter was sent on his crucial
mission to the United States to steal the design for the Norden
bombsight. Until
being recruited by the Abwehr in Hamburg early in 1937, Ritter had no
in clandestine operations. But he did have two highly important
for his task: he had spent ten years in the United States as a textile
manufacturer, and he spoke American English fluently and without a
trace of
an accent.”,,0471318620%7Cexcerpt,00.pdf 

(3.)“Up to the beginning of the war, Canaris had served Hitler and the
Third Reich with considerable loyalty. When he received the reports of
how SS and Gestapo murder squads had followed the Army into Poland to
wreak massacres, his stomach turned. So did his loyalty”

“England, indeed, was to prove the constant thorn in the Nazi side. At
war's outbreak, more than 7,000 "unreliables" were rounded up and
hundreds of Abwehr agents seeded in England in previous years were
exposed, arrested, imprisoned. Astoundingly, many of Canaris' best
agents escaped the dragnet and were soon broadcasting their reports to
Berlin. All of these agents, however, had either been turned as
British double agents who would continue to feed the Germans useless
information throughout the war, or were British agents from MI5
impersonating the original Abwehr spies. “

“Canaris was also one of the key figures who seriously entered the
conspiracy of the Black Orchestra (underground) to overthrow Hitler in
1944. Before the military cabal attempted to assassinate Hitler on
July 29, 1944, Canaris learned that Himmler suspected certain officers
who were actually part of the plot. Canaris warned these men who
nevertheless went ahead with the attempt which ended with Hitler
surviving the bombing of his field headquarters. “
“In the closing days of the war, however, Hitler, half-mad and frantic
to crush all those whom he felt had betrayed him, reached out to any
still alive he could murder. In March 1945, he personally signed
Canaris' death sentence. “

NOTE: the different Dr. AKA from above! 
Fischer, Benjamin. "A.k.a. 'Dr. Rantzau': The Enigma of Major Nikolaus
Ritter." Center for the Study of Intelligence Bulletin 11 (Summer
2000): 8-11. []. 

"According to a recent article in the Sunday Telegraph (London), he
apparently discovered that all German agents in Britain had been
compromised and brought under hostile control. Postwar interrogation
reports in London's Public Records Office (PRO) suggest that Ritter
knew this as early as 1941 but refrained from telling his superiors" 

Some of the search strategies I used.
Abwehr spy embassy

Request for Answer Clarification by probonopublico-ga on 05 Mar 2004 07:47 PST
Hi, thx1138

I was wondering what a Researcher would think if some idiot were to
request Clarification for an Answer from the distant past?

Clarification of Answer by thx1138-ga on 11 Mar 2004 08:55 PST
Hello again probonopublico :)

Well I must admit you did have me baffled when I noticed this
question/answer popped back to the top of my list.  However I had not
logged in and so didn't see the "Request for clarification" until I
logged in just now......

So to answer your request for clarification:  I was confused, and as
with almost every researcher, a pang of nervousness jolted through me
when I saw you wanted an RFC, as you never know whether it's going to
be a sensible RFC or a completely unrelated question :)

That's MI6pence worth anyway!

Hope all is well with you.

Very best regards

probonopublico-ga rated this answer:5 out of 5 stars
Well Done!

You have opened up some interesting lines of enquiry.

However Doctors are ten a penny in Germany and I rather doubt that
Canaris would have shared an agent with Jahnke - even though they were

Full marks for your research ... However, I belive that you must work
for one of the Intelligence Agencies yourself.

But I have not figured out which one.

Kindest regards


Subject: Re: A Question that only thx1138-ga should answer.
From: thx1138-ga on 09 Aug 2002 12:50 PDT
Hi Bryan and thanks for the nice comment and rating!

You said:
"However, I belive that you must work
for one of the Intelligence Agencies yourself.

But I have not figured out which one."

Actually no, but I used to be a Policeman in the Wiltshire Constabulary !

All the best

Subject: Re: A Question that only thx1138-ga should answer.
From: probonopublico-ga on 11 Mar 2004 09:00 PST
Hi, thx1138

Good to hear from you again ...

Answering silly RFCs is probably better for you than chasing those
gals from Ipenema down on Copacabana ...

Warmest regards


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