Late last year I was watching on Cable a movie about a young lady who
was "looking for love". She has two best who is a female
and the other who is a male. Throughout the entire movie, the
characters are philosophizing about love and relationships and
romance. The leading female has a relationship that doesnt work out...
and her male best friend does also. They both ponder why it is that
they cant find love... the whole time everything they describe they
are looking for is in EACH OTHER. There are other people in the movie
who's romantic ramblings and fatalities are highlighted and dissected
{an older married couple, I think}.
At the end of the movie, they end up REALIZING that they are meant for
each other after a big old argument.
I also think I remember something about one of the female characters
being celibate and one of them being incredibly slutty.The guy in the
movie was initially deemed "not my type" by the leading lady, but
later had an epiphany to the contrary.
It was a fairly modern movie.. I'd say it was made in the last ten
years. I know it was incredibly romantic, but Im not sure if it was a
comedy or not, but I DEFINATELY found it to be funny due to my
personal experiences on the subject.
***I've been driving myself NUTS looking for this movie. A friend of
mine suggested that it was an Ashton Kutcher movie called "A Lot Like
Love" but I think I would have remembered if he was in that movie.***
Good Luck figuring this one out.
>>>Hey RAINBOW and PINK... lets see if you're still the RULING CHAMPIONS!!!<<<
Request for Question Clarification by
27 May 2005 10:48 PDT
Hi camilleleeanne,
Does this sound like your movie?
Someone Like You (2001)
"After a series of ill-fated relationships, Jane (Ashley Judd) has
finally met Mr. Right, Ray (Greg Kinnear) - he's emotionally
available, and not afraid of commitment. Six weeks into their blissful
courtship, he asks her to move in with him, and they start looking at
apartments. But little by little Ray starts to pull away, until Jane
realizes that once again she's been dumped. Jane's womanizing
coworker, Eddie, just happens to be looking for a roommate, and Jane
reluctantly moves in. Desperate to understand what happened and get
over Ray, Jane comes up with a theory of interpreting male-female
relations by observing the behaviors of wild animals. She shares this
idea with a friend who works at a men's magazine (Marisa Tomei) and is
given an anonymous editorial column devoted solely to her thoughts on
the matter. But no one could have predicted the chord she'd strike
among women with her theory, and the column's wild success makes Jane
start to question her conclusions - and opens her eyes to what might
be right in front of her."
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Best regards,
Clarification of Question by
27 May 2005 11:05 PDT
Awwwwwwww...C'mon.......... dont do this to me!!! I have no idea if
this is it. I dont remember them being room-mates and I definately
dont remember Melissa Tomei (how could one NOT remember Tomei?!?!)
But ya know......... I wouldnt mind seeing this movie anyway, so I'll
assume this is it, and if its not..... like the Terminator; "I'll Be
Request for Question Clarification by
27 May 2005 11:54 PDT
Please take a look at this site and see if it rings any bells:
Clarification of Question by
27 May 2005 14:44 PDT
Hey Sweetie......... I watched the trailer and it doesnt really ring a
bell. But its Friday night, and I dont have a date, so I guess I'll be
making my way up the street to Blockbuster and renting this. Whats
amazing is that the guy in the trailer looks NOTHING LIKE the Hugh
Jackman that I'm used to seeing. He's really handsome... which I didnt
know ....... having TUNNEL-VISION of him as Wolverine!
You know......... maybe people should only ask questions about movies
they saw if they were NOT half-drunk and watching a movie-marathon
because their stupid little boyfriend decided they wanted to tick them
off which started a 10 hour silent-treatment!!!
WHOA........ that was WAAAAAAAYYYYY too much information, wasn't it?! LOL