How many people were evacuated from the Capitol and surrounding
buildings on ~May 11, 2005? I want to know how many people were
actually in the buildings at the time of the evacuations and told to
leave, not, for example, how many people work in those buildings.
because not everyone is at work every day, you know?
and there are plenty of visitors at any given time. so how many people
were on the streets, running around like chickens, trying to figure
out what an 'air threat' was?
I want to know this to settle a bet - my boyfriend was one of the
visitors that day, and was evacuated along with [x] other people. He
tends to exaggerate, and started telling the story by saying "tens of
thousands of people were evacuated," which we all know is a gross
overestimation. he's since lowered his number to ten thousand, but i
still think that's wrong. I'm not some kind of kook or terrorist, i
just want that margarita that my boyfriend totally owes me when we
find out i am right.
i think there were 7-9 buildings evacuated, total. i want the real, official
answer, not what some congressman from iowa thinks is the number. thanks. |