how to auomatically generate a coordinate system transformation
Category: Science > Math Asked by: tsurugi-ga List Price: $30.00 |
27 May 2005 14:47 PDT
Expires: 26 Jun 2005 14:47 PDT Question ID: 526464 |
I've got a texture in openGL, which is basically a picture of a large area of ground. The coordinate system of the picture is a cartesian system where the bottom left corner is (-1,-1) and the top right corner is (1,1). So the pixel at the center of the images is described by (0,0) in texture coordinates. I need a way of computing at runtime, a function G[x,y] = [lat,long] where x and y describe any particular point on the picture. The information I have to derive this function are several points on the texture where I know both the texture coordinates and the lat,long coordinates at that point. My question is: Assuming there are a minimally sufficient number of arbitrary points available on the map ( I think you need a minimum of 4 ), how can I derive the formula that lets me calulate (lat,long) from (x,y) for any given map picture? This is my first time using this service, and this seemed like a good question to try it out with. | |
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Re: how to auomatically generate a coordinate system transformation
Answered By: hedgie-ga on 31 May 2005 19:02 PDT |
I take your clarification as an 'OK' to this formulation: given the table 4*N of N rows, 4 colums (input table) x y lat lon find the 'best' equation giving lat, lon for each x,y, based on stereographic projection. Solution can be obtained by the Least Square algorithm, which will determine four parameters. Referring to Fig and terminology of this reference http://www.mathdaily.com/lessons/Stereographic_projection the equation given in the reference after lines "Cartesian coordinates There are a number of ways to perform stereographic projection onto a sphere, based on your choice of where you put the plane and the sphere. One can treat the plane as being complex numbers, and use the following pair of transformations" will give you your equation (the Z=u+iw, from xsi eta zeta triple corresponding point on the sphere, and so the lat and lon. The unknown parameters can be found by least squares regression analysis of which general overview is here: http://www.statsoft.com/textbook/stpls.html You need minimum four points, and you can use Stepwise regression to decide what is a reasonable number. A simple way of setting up your regression is to use LFT transform explained here: http://www.mathpages.com/home/kmath464/kmath464.htm You are seeking a,b,c,d, coefficients , so that Error is minimized. Errors is sum over the i of the distance between projected (Calculated) and actual position on the plane. For each i, Z is calculated form lan and lot in the table, using projection eq. given above. You compute transformed intput table X=x+iy , Z= u+i*w for each i The problem can be linearized as follows Z * (c *X +d) = (a *X +b) + error where X = x+iy comes from your input table (actual point) and Z is projection of the corresponding points (lat lon) on the same plane Given the quadratic expresson for the Error, software for determining a b c d is widely available. You add a constraint a*b +c*d =1 to limit the transform to rotations of the sphere so you have only 4 independent parameters and so need at least N=4 equations. |
Re: how to auomatically generate a coordinate system transformation
From: ticbol-ga on 28 May 2005 05:49 PDT |
This is just to start the ball rolling, and to see if I understand what you mean. My understanding is: >>>the large area is flat. It is not spherical. >>>[lat,long] is [latitude,longitude]. >>>the coordinates of the point (x,y) in question are known. Only its [lat,long] are to be solved. >>>the other points [x's,y's] and [lats,longs] are known. If that is correct, then you need only one other point to solve for the [lat,long] of point (x,y). Let the other point be (x1,y1),[lat1,long1]. And point (x,y) has the unknown [lat,long]. Then lat = lat1 +(y -y1) lat = lat1 -y1 +y ----*** Latitudes are horizontal lines, hence the y-coordinates. long = long1 -x1 +x ----*** --------- If a minimum of 3 other points (that means 4 points in all when (x,y) is counted) are needed to solve for the [lat,long] of point (x,y), then the coordinates of point (x,y) are not known? Let us call point (x,y) as P. P is a random point? Its coordinates, lat, and long are unknown? If yes, then >>>you must know the distance of P from each of the other 3 points to solve for the coordinates of P. A formula can be derived if we know the 3 distances. >>>then, using any known (x1,y1)&[lat1,long1], and the just-solved coordinates of P, you can get the [lat,long] of P. |
Re: how to auomatically generate a coordinate system transformation
From: ticbol-ga on 28 May 2005 22:08 PDT |
So the area is spherical. It is a piece of the earth's surrface. The points in the area are in cartesian coordinates and the area is actually spherical. Umm, too much computations. I pass. |
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