Where to buy a book from Adolf Zeising - Part 2
Category: Science > Technology Asked by: cythmadra-ga List Price: $20.00 |
28 May 2005 00:01 PDT
Expires: 27 Jun 2005 00:01 PDT Question ID: 526587 |
This is a follow-up question to: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=526267#a Due to the first book is already found I open a new question here for the second one: - Zeising, Adolf. 1884. Der goldene Schnitt [The golden section]. Leipzig: Engelmann Same thing as before: I prefer a source where I can buy a book or e-book or copy rather than to loan it from a library. But as you can see in the answer of my first question (see link above) there are also librabries which offer e-books or copies ... I'm looking forward to any result. |
There is no answer at this time. |
Re: Where to buy a book from Adolf Zeising - Part 2
From: leli-ga on 28 May 2005 02:30 PDT |
If no-one can find your book on sale, perhaps this library information will help? 'Der Goldene Schnitt' is in the Trier Stadtbibliothek, according to the catalogue of the Hochschulbibliothekszentrum des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen http://okeanos-www.hbz-nrw.de/F/?FUNC=find-c&CCL_TERM=+%28WTI%3D%28goldene+Schnitt%29%29++AND++%28WPE%3D%28zeising%29%29+ I hope your library in Munich can arrange a loan or copy: Um sich ein Werk, dass Sie im HBZ-Verbundkatalog gefunden haben, auszuleihen: Nutzen Sie das Fernleihangebot Ihrer Bibliothek vor Ort Ggf. besteht für Sie die Möglichkeit, die Online-Fernleihe im HBZ-Verbund zu nutzen (vgl. http://www.hbz-nrw.de/produkte_dienstl/digibib/fernleihe//bestellen.html) Name: Stadtbibliothek Hausanschrift: Weberbach 25, 54290 Trier Kommunikation: Telefon: (0651) 7 18-1429 Telefax: (0651) 7 18-1428 E-Mail: stadtbibliothek@trier.de It's also in the University of Trondheim library, which tells us it's only 28 pages long, with one plate of illustrations. (Would that make copying easier?) http://wgate.bibsys.no/gate1/FIND?recn=1&lang=E&type=Search&base=BIBSYS&fo=zeising%3F&F0=goldene+Schnitt&felt0=to&bd=&F1=&felt1=em&F2=&felt2=de&sn=&F3=&felt3=ok Good luck - Leli |
Re: Where to buy a book from Adolf Zeising - Part 2
From: cythmadra-ga on 28 May 2005 03:22 PDT |
@leli-ga Thanks for your hints. I already started to contact these two libraries and we will see the results. If I succed in getting a copy I will let you know and will accept your comment as an answer then! Regards |
Re: Where to buy a book from Adolf Zeising - Part 2
From: fp-ga on 29 May 2005 07:21 PDT |
Universitätsbibliothek Passau http://www.ub.uni-passau.de/kataloge/opac.htm Signatur: Status: Standort Mediennummer: 280/LH 61300 Z47 G6 bestellbar UB/SB Passau / BW, Magazin [280/] 064011805842 Titel Der goldene Schnitt Verfasser Zeising, Adolf Jahr 1884 Impressum Halle : Engelmann in Komm., 1884. Also available here: Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen Signatur: 4 MATH III, 2535 Standort: HG-FB Entleihbarkeit: bestellbar / nur Kopie http://www.sub.uni-goettingen.de/ |
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