Hi sweetpaws:
Thank you very much for recognizing the work that has gone into this
question - even though the ultimate answer was not found! You are a
gem amongst customers.
I owe you one - and I'd please like you to call me on it someday when
you need it. :-)
Here's a summation of what I found.
The first poem you mentioned was very simple to find. It is "Thais" by Newman Levy.
URL: http://www.cs.rice.edu/~ssiyer/minstrels/poems/1025.html
Quote: "One time in Alexandria, in wicked Alexandria
Where nights were wild with revelry and life was but a game,
There lived, so the report is, an adventuress and courtesan
The pride of Alexandria, and Thais was her name...."
However, I was not able to find *any* mention of either of the other
two poems you quoted in your original question. So, given that, I
decided to focus on finding an appropriately named poetry collection
which included the "Thais" piece.
While I couldn't find an *anthology* (including works by many authors)
which contained "Thais", I was able to find a book of poetry by Levy
himself entitled "Gay But Wistful: Verses by Newman Levy", published
in 1925. This title seemed to me to pretty close to your "comic verse"
or "light verse" recollection.
Unfortunately, I was unable to find any picture of the cover of this
book to compare with your "red and yellow" cover memory.
There are two copies of this book on sale at alibris.com:
Gay but wistful; verses by Newman Levy
URL: http://www.alibris.com/search/search.cfm?qwork=2532753&wauth=Newman%20Levy&ptit=Gay%20but%20wistful%3B%20verses%20by%20Newman%20Levy%2E&pauth=Levy%2C%20Newman&pisbn=&pqty=2&pqtynew=0&pbest=9%2E70&matches=2&qsort=r&cm_re=works*listing*title
If you are unsure whether this is the book you had all those years
ago, one way to check it would be to go to a public library that has a
Find in a Library
URL: http://www.worldcatlibraries.org/wcpa/servlet/WLAHoldingServlet;jsessionid=A064B0DE0C7A7B0750901D14406640BA.two?query=no%3A1492505&sessionid=A064B0DE0C7A7B0750901D14406640BA.two&recno=1&zip=
Note: If you enter your zip code or country and hit "Go" you should
get a list. I entered "10010" and got 3 libraries within easy driving
distance. Unfortunately, I'm in Canada and not near any library that
has a copy of this book.
This "Find in a Library" service can be VERY handy when looking for
any book in your neck of the woods.
I also looked for the Reid/Roe poem, but to no avail. As well, I wasn't
able to get any further clues about whether "Innocent Merriment" is it
either (though I did run across some mention of that book having a
*green* cover).
I'm not sure what more to do at this point...it is completely possible
that there is no detailed (i.e., list of authors) information
available for the book you remember. :-(
Again, thanks for allowing me to post this research as an official
answer. If you ever remember anything else or run into any further
clues about your original book, please let me know in a clarification
request and I will continue the hunt on your behalf.
Search Strategy (on Google):
* "wicked alexandria" revelry
* thais sapphics
* burglar prose nose Oxford hit
* "Newman Levy" Thais anthology
* "Newman Levy" Thais
* "gay but wistful" verses thais newman
* "gay but wistful" thais
* Thais "the purple cow"
* Gelett Burgess newman levy ogden nash
* "Innocent Merriment" adams nash
+ dozens and dozen of other searches that turned up nothing
Thanks again!
websearcher |