Your clarification was helpful and I will provide references which,
hopefully, will throw some light on the issue. These references
are involving some unsolved (or at least 'not fully agreed on') problems.
Just ,please, remember that it is (almost) as dificult to answer this
as it was to ask it. It is a conceptual question about mathematical
physics. It can be dicussed without math derivations - but people may still
argue what the meaning of 'basis' is, in:
"I simply believe that there must be a physical
basis to inductance just as there is a physical basis to magnetism"
There is an intriquing correspondence between electrostatics and
magnetostatics, (together with differences - such as 'no magnetic
which is dramaticaly resolved by realization that electric field can
be transformed into magnetic and vice versa. (I believe that is what
you mean by
'basis' -- this realization, implicit in Maxwell equations but fully
formulated by SRT, indeed points to a 'deeper reality' or ' physical
The 'vice versa' is important however:
I do not see E to be 'more basic' then H or vice versa. Both are manifestation
of 4-vector A which is introduced when we formulate Maxwell equations in the
4D space. The Maxwell equations then look like this:
general reference:
The Curvature Tensor R is zero on the Minkowski space (=flat space-time).
The 'square' in that equation is Dalambertian - a 4D form od the 3D
Laplacian - a well known 'triangle' present in static field
This 'manifestly covariant' equation is the 'physical basis' of
equations for both E and H, of the Maxwell equations, and all empirical laws,
including the Lenz law of induction, as dicussed e.g. in wikipedia:
Elctromagnetic 4-potential A's-equations
As Simon pointed out in his comment below, there is similar, also intriquing
duality, between electromagnetic field and gravity in which inductance
corresponds to inertia. Actually, we can say inductance IS inertia of
emg field, as suggested e.g. here:
"..electrostatic and magnetostatic fields exhibit inertial properties,
but it is fair to say that there are issues awaiting resolution..."
This intriquing duality (metric tensor of GTR describing gravity, just as
four-potential A describes emg fields) lead Weyl
to look for a 'deeper basis' common to both and so (even though he
miss-interpreted physical meaning of his gauge field
) spearheaded the whole 'unified field theory' chase , yielding
some results
which show common basis of inductance and inertia.
That, however, does not answer you question, since question
'what is basis of inertia?' is hard, unsolved, and involving philosophy:
SEARCH TERM: general relativity, electromagnetic field, Mach
brings many articles on 2.4 "Mach's Principle" :
" ..This real point of contact of Mach's influence was clearly
identified only in 1918, when Einstein distinguished what he baptized
as "Mach's Principle" (roughly, that inertial effects stem from an
interaction of bodies) from the principle of general relativity which
he now interpreted as the principle of general covariance. Taken
together with the principle of the equivalence, Einstein asserted that
the three principles, were three "points of view" on which his theory
rested, even if they could not be thought completely independent of
one another. Despite Einstein's intent, there is considerable
disagreement about the extent to which, if at all, general relativity
conforms to "Mach's Principle"...".
Historically, the similarity between gravity and electrostatic field,
both being described by Laplace equation, was a guiding light for Einstein
in deriving SRT. Basically, he followed Maxwell in adding the 'time term',
and, like Maxwell before him, postulate exixtence of waves -
this time the gravity waves
So, in conclusion:
Inductance of empty space and inertia have same basis, which is still
shrouded in mystery. There is no conclusion. These are true open
questions, and some of these problems are actively debated (between
that 'happy few' part of the
physics community, which time on there hands, which does not have to
write grant proposals and milesstone reports..:-) by people who have
interest in
foundations of physics and time to 'ponder the inponderable, in this case the
nature of ponderability.
Moderated groups are recommended since they save time.
See you there
Hedgie |