Hello talsha1-ga,
I have found a number of programs that I think may be of interest to you.
The University of Wales, Cardiff is the Top Ranked New University in
Wales. (For the last 3 years) They are also among the top ranked
overall in the UK.
They are one of the few universities to hold the Government?s Charter
Mark. It has be awarded to UWIC for a total of nine years and as seen
as a stamp of approval for their ?dedication to quality and student
Also of interest to you may be that??As a top sporting university our
sports facilities are first class, with many international standard
facilities built in the last few years.?
The offer an MSc/PgD/PgC Sport Psychology Degree.
?The course itself is not a professional qualification in sport
psychology. However, for those candidates with a professional
interest, the course should prove a suitable stepping stone to the
British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) Supervised
Experience scheme.? http://www.uwic.ac.uk/new/courses/courses_development/sports_psychology.asp?subsection=postgrad
They also offer an MSc/PgD/PgC Coaching Science degree. While I think
the first one may be better for your career plan, you can take a look
at this one here: http://www.uwic.ac.uk/new/courses/courses_development/Coaching_Science_pg.asp?subsection=postgrad
There is also a Sports Management and the Business of Football MSC
Degree. It does not sound like it might be right for you, but I wanted
to list it as an option. It is from Birkbeck University of London?s
School on Management and organizational Psychology.
Here are schools listed in the top 10 for the UK that offer a Sports
MSC program of some sort (either Psych or Science).
3. University College Worcester*** Offers a MSC (International) in
Sports Coaching, Sports Management, and Sport and physical Education.
4. Essex*** Offers a number of programs in Sports Science to get your
MSc. http://www.essex.ac.uk/intro/pg/areas.htm#Sports
Sports Science PhD MPhil MSc by dissertation
Sports Science (Fitness and Health) MSc
Human and Equine Sports Science MSc
Sports and Exercise Science MRes
5. Birmingham*** Offers Sport and Exercise MSc Degrees in conjunction
with the school of Psychology.
?The School of Sport and Exercise Sciences is one of the leading
research departments in the United Kingdom.
In the 1996 RAE ranking, the School of Sport and Exercise Sciences was
the only Sports department in the country to achieve a 5 rating on the
basis of submitting 100% of its staff. In the 2001 RAE, the School was
awarded the highest rating of 5*, again with all staff entered.
Recently, the HEFCE research re-grading exercise among 5* departments
has elevated the School's rating from 5* to 6*.?
6. Brunel*** Sport Sciences MSc (Health and Exercise, High Performance
Physiology or Sport Psychology)
8. East London (Website down, could not research)
9. Brighton*** Offers a MSc in Sport Science. ?The course provides an
understanding of the interdisciplinary nature of the sciences
underpinning our current knowledge in sport and exercise science,
within the disciplines of biomechanics, physiology and psychology.?
10. Ulster*** This may be of interest, please check it out anyway.
***Also, check this link out, it may be of interest. It?s Programs
outside the US for Sports Science/Psych MSc.
Now, as far as the US.
The University of North Carolina at Greensboro ? Offers an Masters
Degree in Sports Science. The University is ranked 6th in the US for
Graduate Programs. ://www.google.com/search?num=100&hl=en&c2coff=1&safe=off&q=university+of+north+carolina+greensboro+ranking&spell=1
Florida State University offers a Masters Degree in Sports Psychology.
They are the 3?d ranked School for Graduate Programs in the US.
Argosy University ? Phoenix offers a Masters in Sports Psychology.
http://argosyu.edu/lcontent/?location=11&subpg=243 I could not find a
Southern Illinois University offers a Masters in Sports Psychology.
U.S. News Ranking
Universities?Master's (Midwest), 58th
While I can not find the school?s ranking, John F Kennedy has a
Masters program which I think may interest you greatly.
?This program trains students in the interpersonal and applied aspects
of psychology, as well as in the specialized field of sport
psychology. Students completing the program typically pursue careers
in sport psychology consultation, teaching or other non clinical
disciplines. Many graduates undertake doctoral study in a field that
will allow them to practice as sport psychologists. This program can
also let you apply your MA credits towards our PsyD at John F. Kennedy
University, saving you time and money.?
San Diego State is ranked 110th overall in the US. ?A field of study
in which the principles of psychology are applied in a sports setting
with the goal of enhancing the health and well being of those who
participate in sport and exercise.?
Bowling Green has a program that offers a Masters in Sports Psychology
with a focus on? ?Sport Administration, with emphasis in sport
promotion and marketing, sport, facility management, intercollegiate
athletics, and psychosocial aspects of sport?
Here are a few more you may want to look into:
I hope this long list of schools heps you to choose. I know you talk
about rankings, but honestly, rankings mean nothing if the school is
not right for you. It could be the #1 ranked school, and you might
hate the program. I encourage you to go out and visit the schools
you?re interested in, or email back and forth talking to the
departments and make your decision based on that more so than
If this answer requires further explanation, please request
clarification before rating it, and I'll be happy to look into this
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