I'm afraid that after doing some research, I have to say that this
isn't possible. The FN key doesn't return a scancode - instead, it
modifies the scancode of the key it is pressed with, inside the
keyboards circuitry.
Linux on a Compaq 1711T
Information on the overall details of the running Linux on a Compaq,
however the information that is of use to you is about 1/2 way down.
Linux and BeOS on a Compaq Presario 1800T
Again, about 1/2 way down the page is a section entitled, "The damn Fn
From personal experience, I can say that laptops do include some
'fancy circuitry' into them, which enables them to do things like set
the brightness/contrast in hardware (using the Fn key), and this
bypasses the normal BIOS systems - in effect, the system never
actually sees the Fn key, so you can't remap it in XP.
I'm sorry it is not possible to re-map the Fn key, however you at
least be satisfied in knowing that a lot of other users of the Compaq
systems also dislike this button.
Search Methodology
how the compaq FN key works
how the FN key works
compaq presario FN key scan code
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