Clarification of Answer by
02 Jun 2005 04:21 PDT
Thanks so much for the 5 stars, the kind words, and the generous tip!
Normally new questions in a clarification are asked as a "new
question," however, I understand your meaning. I did some exploring.
This search string, entered EXACTLY as it appears, it very telling:
infrastructure security "number of personnel" national
...not surprisingly, most of the results that came up were military related:
As stated ..."security capacities at America's vital infrastructure
facilities -- transportation, energy, power, banking, etc..." --by
it's very
By changing it slightly to the line below:
infrastructure security "number of personnel in the US OR United States" national
I arrived at ONE SINGLE LINK:
Comprehensive Homeland Security Act of 2003
If clicked on, it seems to be about Small Pox, however, if you scroll
down and read, it is very revevant to your last question.
I suspect that the further I look, the more information I will get
about "Homeland Security."
These numbers are simply not available, or more to the point, although
cities HAVE infrastructure, and these seperate utilities and services
have employees, the major responsibility for protecting all this falls
on the military.
Consider this:
Transit police stop drunks from falling asleep on the bus.
Railroad police [attempt] to stop hobos from riding trains.
Electric Company police stop people from climbing towers.
Bank security guards stop people from disturbing the peace, in the
bank to keep it silent, like a library. They certainly don't stop
In Nevada, the "water police" stop homeowners from running sprinklers
in summer betweem the hours of 7am to 7pm (no kidding)
...see what I mean? The nation's infrastructure is guarded by the
military, by their very presense... there is no way to break down the
number of security guards at those locations, because those location's
personnel numbers are very closely guarded, even if they only write
tickets for running your lawn sprinkler in Las Vegas at 10am...
The number of security guards in general might be found, but it
includes the gaming industry, which is ALSO booming.
This link describes the duties of security guards:
Security Guards and Related Occupations
Some of the main duties for these occupations include:
* Control access to establishments, issue passes and direct
visitors to appropriate areas
* Patrol assigned areas to guard against theft, shoplifting, vandalism and fire
* Enforce regulations of an establishment to maintain order
* Perform security checks of passengers and luggage at airports
* Drive and guard armoured trucks and deliver cash and valuables
to banks, automated teller machines and retail establishments
* May supervise and coordinate the activities of other security guards.
...There are no national numbers for each industry, let alone the most
sensitive catagory of all. One of the most interesting pages I found
was the link below. WHat is MOST SHOCKING is that this was written in
1997, BEFORE 9/11/2001.
Read this, then try to imagine how BOOMING this industry is NOW! ...
Scroll to: "Policy Issues - The Fortress Mentality" see this:
..."The number of security guards has doubled in the last decade and
now surpasses the number of police. Private security outspends public
law enforcement by 73 percent, and is now clearly the nation's primary
protective resource. Security is the driving force for all gated
Anyway... I not only can't get a ball park estimate, any estimate at
all would be very wrong.
Maybe post a new question, another reasercher might take a stab at
it... I did, and ended up looking at "Homeland Security" straight in
the face.