I want to provide a ?voice recorder? and ?voice player? feature on my
site. The ?voice recorder? will provide the functionality of: record,
pause, preview, and upload (to our server). The ?voice player? will
provide the functionality of: play, pause, stop, download (to user?s
computer) and a scrollbar for fast forward/rewind. After initial
research, it appears that java applet will be required and a possible
file format would be OGG. I was hoping to use built in browser
support (so users don?t have to download any plug-ins), but this is
not a requirement. With the possibility of many ?voice players? on a
single page, I wouldn?t want the user to have to wait for all sound
files to download before they can choose which one to play, so a
streaming method is likely required.
I am hoping to receive help on resources to complete this project such
as: advice, sample codes, links, books that deal with this topic, or
any help.
The website uses PHP5, MySQL, and some CSS. I have complete access to
the servers. I am a programmer, but I have not coded java before.
I am also concerned with licensing of any plug-ins or file formats
since the site created is a business site. |