Dear Rollie,
There are many courses that offer training in interior decorating.
Some are correspondence courses and some not; some are accredited and
some not; some are international and some are in verious parts of the
globe. Because you didn't specify the type fo course you're looking
for, I'll give you information on courses, but if you feel you need
more info on specific place (geographically), don't hesitate to ask.
Philadelphia University holds a certificate program in interior
decoration, which can last 6 month but is not limited in time (if you
don't want to finish so quick). The details of the program:
UW-Stout teaches within Business Retail several courses in interior
decoration (see
However, I am not sure if you can enroll only to these courses; and if
you do, what kind of certificate you'll receive. You may want to check
it with them, if you're interested:
The Professional Career Development Institute offers distance learning
courses in interior decorating. They have no prerequisites and claim
that you can start a home decorating business after the course:
The Institute of Interior Design offers a long distance program, which
enables you later to use their diplome (Dip-ID) to find work, The
diplome is in interior design, but the course also teaches interior
Decorating Studios also have an 8-week interior decoration online
Universal class have also a disctance learning course on the subject - -
here. sell an ebook, Guide to Become an Interior Decorator, which
claims to teach the trade without a course:
You can also search with the same search terms I used (my so called
"search strategy"):
"interior decorating" business courses
"interior decorating" business course
"interior decorating" courses
"interior decorating" course
"interior decorating"
Also read advices from others:
Just a last note before I finish. Because there is no degree program
in interior decorating and that "everyone" can say they are desginers,
the discipline is also abused by scams. Before you pay for a course,
be sure that you get something worthwhile, and that it is not a scam.
I think that answered your question. However, if you still need
clarifications, just ask (before you rate the answer) and I'll be
pleased to answer. |