My question concerns getting the ?correct? perspective from a 3D
figure in MATLAB with multiple objects in one figure. While MATLAB
correctly gives perspective for each individual object, like a line or
polygon, etc, MATLAB doesn?t seem to (I can?t make do so at least)
respect the geometric relationship between objects. For example if I
create a filled square with vertices x=[0 0 10 10] y=[0 0 10 10 ] z=[0
10 10 0] , issue the ?hold on? command and then create a line with
vertices x=[10 0] y=[0 10] z= [0 10] both images will show up in the
same figure but the user won?t ?see? that the line intersects the
rectangle. What will be shown is either all of the line, as if the
line was ? in front? of the square, or none of the line which is the
same perspective area as the square, so the line appears ?behind? the
square. I would like to know how to make MATLAB show this kind of
perspective? or if you know of another program that is fairly easy to
use that does this that would be nice also.
Thanks |