Hi, In legal terms, Seminaries and Churches fall under the non-profit
501(c) category. A formal incorporation to start up your church would
fall primarily under Colorado state law. There are a good deal of
resources available on the internet for you to consider. I've chosen
the most reliable.
First, and more generally, to find any of the laws of Colorado, you
can do a search on the "Colorado Statute Manager"
And so, for example, I did a search using 501(c) and came up with many
resutls such as...
7-30-101.2 - Charitable nonprofit corporations - private foundations.
The Colorado Bar association has a non-profit section under their
business law category at
Second, and a much more specific way to gather the relevant
information is to start with the
Colorado Association of Nonprofit Organizations
They describe themselves as
"The Colorado Association of Nonprofit Organizations (CANPO) provides
leadership and services to strengthen nonprofits ability to build and
sustain healthy communities in Colorado."
They have a great section on legal issues associated with start-ups
that should be able to answer most of your questions, including the
issue of necessary forms.
If you are looking for a source to help you with the process, I might
suggest the Colorado Nonprofit Development Center
They describe themselves as "an incubator without walls for new
nonprofit activities in Colorado."
Please note that they do access a charge of 9% of all project
There may be some issues with the city of Boulder. For all government
information you can go to the City government site.
Search Strategies:
Colorado, non-profit start-ups
Colorado, legal issues, non-profits
Boulder Colorado, non-profits |