Hi kimsintoronto,
Yes, you can leave the country and reside in Canada, here's the Social
Security Disability page that gives the exact rule:
If you leave the United States
http://www.ssa.gov/pubs/10153.html#part2 (It's near the bottom)
..."If you are a U.S. citizen, you can travel to or live in most
foreign countries without affecting your Social Security benefits.
There are, however, a few countries where we cannot send Social
Security payments. These countries are Azerbaijan, Belarus, Cuba,
Cambodia, Georgia, Kazakstan, Kyrgzstan, Moldova, North Korea,
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Vietnam.
Let us know if you plan to go outside the United States for a trip
that lasts 30 days or more. Tell us the name of the country or
countries you plan to visit and the date you expect to leave the
United States. We will send you special reporting instructions and
tell you how to arrange for your benefits while you are away. Be sure
to notify us when you return to the United States..."
Don't miss this link:
Your Payments While You Are Outside The United States
I hope you enjoy Canada!
Search strategy used at Google:
"Social Security Disability" "outside the united states" |