[Sorry - not sure if this should go under Business and Money, or
Programming - really need to know both.]
I would like to know the past, current and projected market for
?secondary developer tools?, especially Microsoft specific ? but I?d
like (less detailed) #?s on non-MS commercial and open-source products
such as Eclipse. Seeing the secondary market is dependent on the
primary market, I may as well get those numbers as well. This includes
3rd party after-market tools that work with the same files as, or are
more tightly integrated and plug-in to, tools such as Microsoft Visual
Studio .Net - which I am most interested in. (The projected number
should take into account that the new Visual Studio 2005 (now beta)
has more extensive plug-in extension capabilities.)
I?d also like a summary of companies that are currently providing such
products. Report should include #units, $spent, purpose of tool, type
of integration, etc. A breakdown of single-sale vs.
enterprise/multiple licensing would also be nice.
Thanks for your time |