Got it!
It took a bit of luck, but the title of the article was so telling,
that it seemed to be the one, even without looking at it. Once I had
a look, there was no doubt:
Life With Tom and Helen Garland
New York Times
Apr 6, 1952
pg 12, Sunday Magazine
TOM GARLAND thinks it's time someone blew the whistle on prices. What
Tom thinks is important. Not because therre is anything exceptional
about Tom, but because there is nothing exceptional about him. Tom
comes as close to being Mr. Average Worker as is possible to find...
...Tom's pay as a stock selector at the Cutler-Hammer Electrical
Company plant in the Bronx averages slightly less than $72 a
week...There was a time when Tom would have considered the $3,722 he
earned last year a princely sum, but it doesn't seem to stretch very
far these days.
I can't excerpt much more since the article is copyright, but a good
librarian should be able to get you a copy, or -- as you are aware --
you can access it for a few bucks at the NY Times archives website.
I trust this fully answers your question, but if you need anything
else, please let me know before rating this answer. Just post a
Request for Clarification, and I'm at your service.
searh strategy -- searched the NY Times archives for [ raskin bronx 1950-1959 ] |