There is, but it would require making a jig out of a scrap CD-
1: get an exacto knife, find a standard CD tray, place standard CD on
bottom, place business Card CD on top. tape sides.
2: Score the top and bottom edge of the CD Rom (tracing the business card)
3: After making the top lines score marks. Tape those edges.
and score the left/right edges.
4 using a dremel saw, or cutting tool, remove the insides.
5 use a fine file or sandpaper and smooth edges.
6 to Print- place a blank business card CD in the jig you made, if you
use a tray alls fine, if you use single CD print method - use Scotch
Tape on the edges 1-2mm on the sides to hold it steady while printing.
Does require some dexterity and skill, but it works. When no item
exists you have to make it. |