Have you searched the site? This site is chock-full of fascinating
questions, and even more fascinating answers. Take an area of personal
interest to you and enter a couple keywords in the front page search
box. Or click on a category and start browsing. Sometimes I forget I'm
a Researcher and spend hours just reading!
I would also recommend reading the FAQ's and pricing page (although
your question/price is reasonable).
Scroll down to the bottom and click the Answers Helps & Tips, and FAQ's...
PS, if I knew *anything* about financial reporting, and fiduciary
responsibility, I would take a crack at your question myself.
For starters, I would start with this search string which filters to 49 results:
fiduciary "financial reporting" accounting ethics legal obligation
principals FASB SEC PCAOB
Beyond that, you can try phrases such as:
"Ethics and Accounting"
"Basic Accounting Theory"
Just trying to be helpful...
~~Cynthia |